Emphasise human rights of marginalised women, girls and trans people.
It is important to pay attention to the people who are invisible, uncounted and not consulted when policy is being made—namely marginalised women, girls and trans people. It is also important to remember than within marginalised groups, women face double discrimination.
Recent decades have seen many advances for women’s rights at local, national and international levels, and we can all be proud of that. But we need to make sure that everyone’s rights are recognised, advanced and respected. We need to pay attention to the people who are often invisible, uncounted  and not consulted when policy is being made—namely marginalised groups of women, girls and trans people, for example girls and young women, domestic workers and others working in the informal economy, women with disabilities, lesbians and bisexual women, indigenous women and women belonging to ethnic or religious minority groups, migrants, trans and intersex people, and sex workers, to name just a few of the groups that Mama Cash emphasises in our grantmaking. It is important also to remember than when the Ministry stresses emphasising the rights of marginalised groups (e.g., indigenous people, children, LGBT populations, people with disabilities, etc.) that women within these groups face double discrimination in many contexts (e.g., employment, education, accessing services and healthcare, etc.)  because they are women within a marginalised group.
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Women's human rights are inherently important to protect. »Women's human rights are inherently important to protect.
Emphasise human rights of marginalised women, girls and trans people.
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