Earning MOOC Credentials (as college credit)

"MOOC Credentials You Can Earn and A Learner Review Site" by Constant Learning Org (February 4, 2013)

Open Culture is such a fabulous source for free diversion and learning—films, interviews, reads. And courses.

In addition to the 650 free courses listed there, on Friday they shared a list of 200 more courses known as as MOOCS, with information about types of credentials offered as part of the learning experience: http://www.openculture.com/free_certificate_courses:

Free Courses Credential Key
CC = Certificate of Completion

SA  = Statement of Accomplishment

CM = Certificate of Mastery

C-VA = Certificate, with Varied Levels of Accomplishment

NI – No Information About Certificate Available

NC = No Certificate"

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Earning MOOC Credentials (as college credit)
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