Arch 1: a MOOC as Quest in an MMORPG
I am proposing Guilds as learning centers for cMOOC-style learning based in xMOOC-style lectures/quizzes/tests



An xMOOC provides lectures, quizzes, and tests. A cMOOC is connectivist in nature, which I take to mean, essentially, interactive, conversational.


Thoughts about gMOOCs »Thoughts about gMOOCs
What are the architecture options for gMOOCs »What are the architecture options for gMOOCs
Arch 1: a MOOC as Quest in an MMORPG
College Courses as Live Games »College Courses as Live Games
Narrative-Based gMOOC with Quest Leaders and Scribes »Narrative-Based gMOOC with Quest Leaders and Scribes
QuestMOOC (open source) »QuestMOOC (open source)
Zeigarnik Effect (Psychology) »Zeigarnik Effect (Psychology)
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