Waste of money

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

The resources and efforts focused on space exploration could better humanity.

How much money is devoted to space exploration? Hundreds of Billions. They are paid through grants and funding to and from government agencies, paid to companies to develop or innovate current models or ideas, and in turn, those companies pay for the materials and the manpower to manifest those ideas. This time and dedication could be focused on ending famine or building developing countries. It could be used to increase the efforts to combat terminal illnesses or to battle pollution. We could have a workforce teeming with brilliant scientist working on how to ameliorate the efficiency of our consumption of energy. Money could be allocated for education.

We need to focus our resources and efforts to one problem at a time according to priority. At least a tenth of our resources and efforts should be used by a taskforce for one goal/problem at a time. Education should be our first priority to get everyone on their feet to then help the rest of the world in a cycle of progress, so exploring space can wait until we are healthy on the ground unless there is some reason that exploring space is going to improve our condition within the next ten generations more than education would improve our condition, that would be hard to argue in favor of exploration.

The future is in the stars. The discoveries that await humanity warrants excitement unlike anything else. If this website that I am posting this to, this laptop that I am typing on, and this internet we all are using is the product of the discovery of America, then the possibilities are endless if we look to the heavens.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Its a waste

Space Exploration is a waste of resources. Instead of decreasing resources by space travel and such, we must deal with problems on Earth first. Why bother spending all this money on exploring space when we could be helping our own planet that us humans live on. NASA is very damgerous. So many accidents and problems happened in the space shuttles such as explosions, pieces falling off, and missing the gravity on Earth. That is even more money to fix those problems. Space Exploration is a waste of money and a waste of time. Also, we know we exist, but we don't know if anything out there exists. Spend time and money on our planet also know as our home.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

space exploration is a waste of money

you can use the money for japan who just had a horrible earth quake. What if a disaster happens in the U.S? if we dont have money to fix it hten we will just have to deal with it.
space exploration is a waste of money. but in some points its not....

If we have to use the money for something i would strongly approve that we use it for space exploration. Lets say the world is on its edge and we have to get off of the earth then we could take rocket ships and we could live on the moon. If we continue space exploration we could probably find a planet that has water or oxygen. The movie wall-e was a great example. the grown ups and children had to go into space and live in a giant space ship because the world ended. that is most likely to happen to us if the earth just becomes a dump.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Could have been used for more impactful endeavors

Imagine only if we would have pursued alternative energy resources with the effort, time and money we had spent in the space program. Where would we be by now?. Probably in a better position to explore space with better, cheaper, more reliable technology.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...



Think how this has put food on the tables and roofs over the heads of millions of employed people, Millions of men and women have found a way to earn a living with out being on welfair ~ food stamps ~ ssi ~ heep ~ or unemployment insureance; !

They are the contributers and hard workers the real backbone of AMERICA,
The best the very best from astronauts to the
floor maintainence people;
Every person since the 1950s that was employed in the
Areo ~ Space Industry worked long hours

to you it is,

Mr, Joseph Salomon,
d.o.b, 10/23/27.
I look forward to your replys !
Friendly or Hostile ,

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

space exploration sucks!!

The government could use that money for something better than going to space. We haven't found any extra terestrial life yet. so use money on something more important. preface!

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Scientific knowledge has value beyond the measurements of cost

The argument that humanity will need to find a new habitat to survive is a stretch and paranoid. Humans are already dying due to poverty and the lack of food etc. The millions of dollars of government funding that goes to space exploration could instead be used to save the humans who are already dying in our world. No-one is going to argue against the value of knowledge but there is a greater value in spending more on food supplies which has a certain result of feeding the hungry, whereas certain results are not present in the theory of discovering a sustainable planet.

Knowledge is invaluable. Furthering our understanding of how the universe came into being, and ultimately how we came into being, cannot be measured as useful solely in terms of cost. What price to pay for knowing that in the future, humanity can be saved because there are other planets out there capable of sustaining life?
Scientific knowledge has intrinsic worth. Space exploration is just one aspect of science that seems to have little impact on our daily lives. Who cares if the Higgs-Boson exists? Very few people. But governments have funded a new particle collider at CERN to find it because they recognise the importance of finding it to understanding the universe.

It's sickening to see all of these people going on and on about "saving the starving and impoverished". Well then sell your computer. Stop commenting on here, go dedicate your life to helping the "starving and needy". And how many tons of rice and grain do we need to keep dropping on these countries before they get their act together and FEED THEMSELVES. I know it sounds heartless, but it's their fault. I don't care if they don't have money. Man lived for thousands of years off of the land and many (dumb) animals still manage to pull it off. Why do we have to send some christian missionaries over to dig them a well? Why can't they dig their own well? Why can't they plant their own grain? Why can't they hunt their own game or raise their own livestock? Why can't they move OUT of the areas of drought? Why is it OUR problem? You feel guilty because you live better? We shouldn't help people that will not help themselves. And something is going to happen and we will ALL be dead or starving on this planet because we refused to move on and advance the survival of our species; all pissed away on supporting some people that would probably just as soon let us starve if we were the ones without food and they were the rich ones.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

The cost isn't actually very high

Although the cost is not high relative to other government expenditure, it is still an additional cost that the taxpayer is burdened with. If this debate is saying that space exploration is pointless then it means spending money on nothing so is definitely a waste. Even if it's a small amount it is still an amount that could be spent elsewhere.Everyday in Delhi B.P.S buses are are getting blasted due to the default in the engeenering.So we shouldspend money on it not for the space exploration.We should spend money on the coton bags and jute bags.We should spend money on Afforestation .We live on the earth so I request everyone to spend money on the Earth not on space

Compared to other areas of government spending (e.g. military), the cost of space exploration simply isn't ridiculously high. There have been space vehicles built in the private sector for as little as $25m, a drop in the ocean compared to US spending in Iraq, and the net benefits outweigh even these figures.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

It is in man's nature to explore his environment.

Indeed it is our nature to explore our environment - but that environment is not zero-gravity, extremes (and not the bearable extremes we experience on earth) of temperatures and terrain.

Indeed, there is still a substantial area of our own planet we have yet to fully explore. Why rush off to space when we've not seen all of our own planet yet?

If people had just stayed in their own locations they would find ways to become highly advanced in regards to those locations. lIkely, it wold get to the point that if they tried exploration they would be able to benefit most anyone that happened upon their civilization, and vice versa. Think about it as you would from ancient events in Eurasia. The the chinese were only able to help Europe so well because they were isolated from them for so long, even though it did really only lead to much conflict and war, but that was only because of the Europeans greed.

Without the urge to ‘see what’s out there’ the continents would still be populated by the indigenous races. North Americans would all be Native Americans, Africans would all be black, and Australia would have only Aborigines and kangaroos. Let’s take this argument to its extremities: Suppose no one had ever wondered if there was another little village somewhere in the world. Then every group of civilised people would have to grow in their own shell of ignorance. The printing press would have remained in Germany unless some other nation happened to stumble on the same process. The same would apply to…well, the list is just too long and life is too short.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Many discoveries have been made as a result of Space Exploration

Although these discoveries have been made, do you really think that velcro and non-stick pans are more important than feeding the starving, solving the current economic crisis or dealing with the environmental issues? Though these inventions may be useful, we can survive without them. A normal pan still cooks your meals, buttons and zips can do up your jumpers or clothes. These items are simply a luxury we cannot afford and we do not need them. The thousands of starving people cannot survive without food so why spend money on products which we do not need.

Many discoveries and products have been developed from the knowledge gained from space exploration. For example, NASA created Velcro which is now used in many clothing items, bags and so forth. Non-stick pans and surfaces were also created as a result of space exploration. Now we can cook without worrying whether or not our cakes will stick to the sides of our pans. Overall, space exploration has provided us with new knowledge and as a result of this, many new and intriguing inventions have been made.

It's sickening to see all of these people going on and on about "saving the starving and impoverished". Well then sell your computer. Stop commenting on here, go dedicate your life to helping the "starving and needy". And how many tons of rice and grain do we need to keep dropping on these countries before they get their act together and FEED THEMSELVES. I know it sounds heartless, but it's their fault. I don't care if they don't have money. Man lived for thousands of years off of the land and many (dumb) animals still manage to pull it off. Why do we have to send some christian missionaries over to dig them a well? Why can't they dig their own well? Why can't they plant their own grain? Why can't they hunt their own game or raise their own livestock? Why can't they move OUT of the areas of drought? Why is it OUR problem? You feel guilty because you live better? We shouldn't help people that will not help themselves. And something is going to happen and we will ALL be dead or starving on this planet because we refused to move on and advance the survival of our species; all pissed away on supporting some people that would probably just as soon let us starve if we were the ones without food and they were the rich ones.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...


No one has ever said that space was not meant for us to cross, who is to say that the oceans were meant for us to cross into America? How many men died crossing the ocean to the Americas and other contintents? Much more then seven I can bet you, but I am not saying their death was pointless and for waste. They knew the risks, and they took it for the sake of knowledge.
It is also not meaningless, how is it meaningless? Many many many technologies have come out of it. (See The Largest Benefits)
Beyond the side effects, which were revolutionary in and of themselves, we may need Space more than we think. We all know, unless we're dillusional, that our planet won't last forever (found out through Space exploration, BTW), and that how long it lasts relies heavily on our surrounding environment. The more we know about out own Galaxy, and even just the Universe, the safer we can potentially make out planet. Besides, if we're not carefull, we're going to be emigrating to one of those planets out there sooner than we think. Where would we be if Earth became uninhabitable and we, having cut our Space program, were unable to find a substitute?

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Its not a waste

Your Faces Mother

Space travel has given us a lot of new things for example the micro chip, the CAT scan and so on. You might say that we could just put together a group of scientist to figure it out, but and idea has to come from something, and they wouldn't just make a CAT scan if someone told to to make something to scan a brain, and even if they would, it would take a lot more time. Also, space travel could benefit our future, if we ended up making settlements on the moon or mars, we might be able to mine there and get rare minerals, or a huge supply of a mineral, boosting economy. Think of America, if someone had put a stop to earth's exploration due to poverty, we wouldn't have one economically strong country(USA) to help the poor.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Plastics Industry/Internet

Its a waste.

Space Exploration is a waste of resources. Instead of decreasing resources by space travel and such, we must deal with problems on Earth first. Why bother spending all this money on exploring space when we could be helping our own planet that us humans live on. NASA is very damgerous. So many accidents and problems happened in the space shuttles such as explosions, pieces falling off, and missing the gravity on Earth. That is even more money to fix those problems. Space Exploration is a waste of money and a waste of time. Also, we know we exist, but we don't know if anything out there exists. Spend time and money on our planet also know as our home.

Plastic were invented by material engineers working on the space program. it is a large, profitable, and useful industry. Parts of your computer are made of it. Innovations in computing were needed. More efficient fuels were researched. The Internet was a joint military and NASA project. Obviously you are taking advantage of them right now.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

All the other Earth-Like Planets (needs exploration too)

nasa takes all my good pussy. now where is my dick gunna go fuck them with my big unused dick yeah baby like that shit. Also i bet patricks dick is gonna fuck spongebob in the hieny hole never mind its to small!! lol this shit gonna go down hard bitch you like that scream my name bitch. i have a PhD In fucking your mom. what now mother fucker. i like big buts and i can not lie. fuck off. nasa is a bitch and im the pimp. skeet skeet skeet. and so we shal meet on the top of a hill for sexual combat. i willl do ur mom. coffee? queef bag. you are all fucking cunts you faggot. you mother fucking dick sucking cock cruntching son of a bitch asshole. jack ass. he saw a bunch of dead hookers. like an insane amount of dead hookers bonner bonner bonner then he went to walmart and was surrounded by al queada so he did the only thing to do he pleasured each one accordanly. no one was unsataficed. yes i did a lot of gay shit in prison but that was for surival. Surival!!!! skeet skeet skeet skeet.

Why do people wan't more money, just to have smex with different women (Like at the South park episode Sexual Healing) or they just to stay at Earth not knowing that one day Earth maight be reduced to a Mars-Like planet. There are extraterrestrials or Extrajovians (not Jupiter or any thing else outside the habitable zone) that seem friendly (Hollywood makes them evil just so humans can feel good about themselves). A Solar System is not a Galaxy as many people who believe in sky spirits still discredit today. There is always a way to travel there not just by using simple rockets or shuttles or anything that the people that don't know what the new things that the scientists thought about. There will come a time when an organism is taken from Gliese, COROT or PSR to Earth and shown to those guys who still believes in magic making and they'll say "Oo thats fake thats just a cat in FrogChickenleg costume and aliens don't exist blah blah blah" like some thing that you pray to actually help you? I tried once and all I get is embarressment and mockery and everything bad that happens...(whoever reads this and notices that i'm off the subject please don't comment "dude you suck all I read was blah blah i hate religion blah blah aliens exist...) please hesitate to type...

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

The Largest Benefits

Space Exploration has given us many,many technologies that are essential.

Satellites were some of the first venturers into space and are another critical part of our society.

Weather Forecasting (Satellites. Very important for hurricanes and dangerous storm systems, have saved lives and help us prepare for the worst.)

Velcor and non-stick pans! (Mostly a joke, but hey, they work!) (General Technology.)

GPS (Very critical if your lost somewhere, has saved lives!) (Satellites.)

Long range television! (Satellites.)

Long Range Communication (Phones,Cellphones,etc.) (Satellites.)

Internet. (Satellites, and power lines of course.)

(Much much more.)

Now onto the somewhat psyhcological and green-wise part of why we need Space Exploration.

If we stopped warring with eachohter and wasting precious minerals that we have on this Earth -on- war, we would have a lot more resources to spend on more important things such as daily life, and hey, space exploration wouldnt mind some more attention either. If we spent our time looking for other planets, and other areas of expansion. We would be a much more healthy planet and society. Our Earth is also nearlly completely explored except for the oceans depths which are frankly impossible to get to the bottom too. The pressures are far far too powerful and some even say its more dangerous to trek to the bottom of our oceans then it is into space. Our bodies and steels cannot handle the intense pressure they have for more then a half hour. (The window of an exploratory sub cracked and the crew nearly died before they had to immediately go back up.)

Look at the casualties of war and the waste of resources and land. Oil spills are causing massive damage to the eco-system, the recent gulf spill has me worried that the entire balance might just be at stake. We have seen that solar powered cars can convert it to electricity and has just as much if not more power then gas cars. (Instant accelereation* and some have gone to 100 mph.)
* You have to rev your engine on a gas car to get gas into the engine before accelerating. With electricity the power is instant.

Solar Power is infinitely renewable (Until the sun dies.) and infinitely powerful, why waste money on oil rigs? Your going to get alot more money on solar power and less expenses with minor maintence.

There are so many more things I can name at this time, but here are just a few as I must go eat for now.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Exploration/investment is Necessary for Progress

you're wrong because i like fat ugly guys.

Space exploration entails research and development on multifarious fronts, all of which require monetary investment and a period of trial and error in innovation before any outcome, whether positive or otherwise, can manifest. An example is R&D in the pharmaceutical industry. The cost may be fairly high, but if any discoveries that benefit mankind directly or via a spillover effect are made, the advantages will be vast.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

If it's being explored for the right reasons.

People will always disagree about what are the right reasons. Also, i like cheese, so i beat you.

If it's being explored for the right reasons.

Okay, well, if it's being explored for useful reasons.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Man's uncontainable curiosity

There are many things in our world that have not discovered yet; do cures to AIDS and cancer ring a bell? And what about over coming poverty? The point is, space exploration is extremely expensive. We should find a solution to what we don't know in our world before exploring a different one. We simply don't have the money or resources. Besides, if it's unemployment you're worried about, more people to devote their lives to over-coming the problems we know about, and not digging up more for us to "solve".

To put it bluntly, if aliens were discovered on the face of Mercury, wouldn't you be interested in hearing about it? I know I would.
Just as man could help but wonder if the Earth was really flat, or if there was anything outside the 'Known World'. We now feel the same about space, human kind has always needed answers, questions temp us, pull us together and satisfy us when we find the answer. The question's being asked at the moment are: 'How did the universe begin?' and 'Is there life outside of Earth?'. These questions drive so many people that calling space travel a 'waste of money' seems to be an insult to so many people's lives and careers!

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

New products are created as a by-product

if you really think that any of these products would not have been created without a space program, then you should go live in space cause your way out there

There are a lot of examples for that such as the digital watch and many types of new materials.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

Safety of Colonization

efficient ways to travel? how much fuel to you consume in one trip to the store on mars? and if your worried about living on mars then what you have given up on protecting the earth and find ways to save where you live?

Space exploration can lead to humanity's safety in continuance if/when space exploration have developed more efficient ways to travel. Mars has been dubbed the Earth due to it's availability to terraforming. The Safety provided of moving to Mars will give a sure securance if Earth was stuck by devastation of the cosmos.

Space exploration is a waste of money

Yes because... No because...

NASA's Inventions and innovations that help the world

see these things would have been created and tested and made and bought without leaving the ground,

It's pretty simple. This is were research happens. Test, trying things out. See what works. What can be improved. Patents on new innovations to create a more sustainable and efficient world.

Debates > Space exploration is a waste of money
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