
Class: Interfacing Technology / Wider Environment
Role: Parliament
Rationale: Each Parliament (Counical) publishes data on its members. This data will be imported into ParliamentWatch
Involvement: ParliamentWatch will make sure that it can import the data from the Parliament's information services.
Classes of knowledge: Politician data structures (reusable components - data formats)

Parliament's page in the Actor Atlas.

Non-functional requirements

 NFR Type
 NFR Name and Description
 13b  Interfacing with Adjacent System
 14a  Maintenance - Changes in membership include
 15b  Integrity - Memberships always correct

Project Issues

 Project Issue Type
 Project Issue Name and Description
 19b  Reusable components (Politician's data structures)
 22b  Data Migration for the Voter Archive. How will the data that is already available on members be accessed from/for the voter archive?
E-Parliament Tagger »E-Parliament Tagger
02. Client, Customer, Stakeholders & Users »02. Client, Customer, Stakeholders & Users
2c. Other Stakeholders »2c. Other Stakeholders
Agenda and reports of meetings »Agenda and reports of meetings
Politician »Politician
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