The immigrants are getting free jobs and causing un-employment.
Argumentation and Debate - 62242 »Argumentation and Debate - 62242
Kyle DeFazio  »Kyle DeFazio
Policy Presentation H.R. Bill »Policy Presentation H.R. Bill
The United States federal government should reform illegal immigration »The United States federal government should reform illegal immigration
H.R. 1921: Build the Fence Now Act of 2011 »H.R. 1921: Build the Fence Now Act of 2011
Illegal immigrantion is harmful to America. »Illegal immigrantion is harmful to America.
Americans are losing potential jobs. »Americans are losing potential jobs.
The immigrants are getting free jobs and causing un-employment.
Over 20 million jobs have been lost to illegal immigrants. »Over 20 million jobs have been lost to illegal immigrants.
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