"From EXPLOITATION to INCLUSIVE JUSTICE" REQUIRES an INTEGRATION of Monetary/Banking Restructuring + Location Value Capture + Guaranteed Basic Income + Recovery of Commons + Differentiating simultaneous and single-nation initiatives + Differentiating and Reintegrating Commons, Market and Governance + Co-production and Co-governance + Trusteeship replacing Ownership + Standard of Value determined by interdisciplinary agreement + Covenant and Trusteeship revived + Prior unity requires a time limit to tribalism and an end to egoism. + A basket of Commons as the basis of a standard of monetary value + Widening Fiduciary Trust + Bear always in mind contrasting images of Degrading and Replenishing Planetary Economies + Building and sharing a Commons Knowledge Garden + Commons as Scale free – Local and Global + Hierarchies of local Commons + Commons enthuse co-creation + Distinguishing Creatable, Depletable and Replenishable Commons = INCLUSIVE PLANETARY HOUSEKEEPING in an ECONOMY OF REPLENISHMENT