Solvency: Stay involved and finish them till there is no rebels Stock Issue1 #154126
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Author: CAPS Cited by: Travis Slotemaker 0:25 AM 9 May 2012 GMT Citerank: (4) 154124Harms: There are still weapons of mass destructionweapons of mass destruction goes beyond nuclear missiles, it also means the people and weapons they carry that want to fight americans, they themselves are the W.M.D, Iran and Pakistan want to invade Afganistan with their neuclerized technology, they wont when we are there cause we will fight back.4400FC7E, 154124Harms: There are still weapons of mass destructionweapons of mass destruction goes beyond nuclear missiles, it also means the people and weapons they carry that want to fight americans, they themselves are the W.M.D, Iran and Pakistan want to invade Afganistan with their neuclerized technology, they wont when we are there cause we will fight back.4400FC7E, 154124Harms: There are still weapons of mass destructionweapons of mass destruction goes beyond nuclear missiles, it also means the people and weapons they carry that want to fight americans, they themselves are the W.M.D, Iran and Pakistan want to invade Afganistan with their neuclerized technology, they wont when we are there cause we will fight back.4400FC7E, 154125Inherency: Leaving will just enable them to fight back.4400FC7E URL:
Excerpt / Summary Efforts to improve the security situation and support Afghan institutions has taken place in Afghanistan as the country begins to confront the challenges of a deteriorating security situation, lack of rule of law, corruption and the cultivation and exporting of narcotics. President Obama’s Af-PAK strategy and his withdrawal time-table for July 2011 as well as the security transition strategy scheduled for 2014 has initiated a strategic partnership between the two states. This partnership will outline the future relations between the two states and will guarantee coordination and cooperation on mutual interests and mutual respect between the two. |