Status and progress The impression is that there is good support to find good solutions within the field of copyright. However, it is clear that there is both supports for the preservation of the existing copyright protection and to finding new solutions where right holders for example is not protected in the same period as today. The conclusion is that there is a need for a balanced approach. Challenges and obstacles There are a number of legislative and administrative obstacles which impede the development of services that can ensure that content production can be distributed freely in a digital single market. These issues are largely known and will be addressed in the current work of the European Commission. This applies to both the legislative measures, but also stakeholder initiatives such as Digital Agenda action number 4 on a: "Wide stakeholder debate on further measures to stimulate a European online content market." Follow-up and commitment; The concrete follow-up is that KODA (licensees' organization) will organize a meeting to analyze the opportunities and constraints that Creative Commons licenses provide for rights holders. In addition, several participants said that the meeting set a standard for a balanced discussion of the subjects, indicating that there is a possibility of an even more fruitful debate in the future.