The Innovation Ecosystem for Good Journalism (IEforGJ) map allows us to continuje the creative process that has been initiated in Barcelona.
We do that by:
I. Co-editing this meta-article The Headings of the nodes provide section headers; the Summary and Details provide the text.
We co-edit the meta-article in four ways:
- by adding a 'comment' node to an already existing one (this is federation – correcting orthography and language is fine, but we do not change someone's substantial contribution by overwriting it)
- by (creating and) editing a content node
- by creating a content node as a question – and inviting a contributor to edit it. We do this by enclosing the node title in question marks; and by sending invitatiolns to specific people to edit the node.
- by editing the Good Journalism Domain Map. Since our core purpose is to co-create something together, and not to merely express opiinions about related themes, we focus our contributions to the meta-article on the ones that are relevant to this design task. The Good Journalism Domain Map on the other hand serves for organizing all other relevant knowledge – all sorts of things that might be useful ('food for thought', or specific know-how) to our project.
II. Producing specific articles We select parts of the text, and corresponding co-authors, and by develop the ideas further within smaller teams.
This is done by editing the entries in the "Spin-off articles and projects" map. III. Producing a single outline
It is possible to produce a printout of the whole tree – i.e. turn this meta-article into printed text. Here is David's explanation:
Option 11 "Email me the map as an outline report" on the Community Tab (when you are logged-in and on a map for which you are the creator / a moderator) lets you output the full content of the map.
The View details link (bottom right on the Details of an idea) – or selecting the Details view from the +Display button (above the map) – opens up the Details view for the selected idea (which is more suitable for printing than the map view).
Notes Co-creating the dynamics of meta-article writing is part of our creative process – the meta-article itself is a knowledge federation instrument:
- by co-editing the meta-article (phase I above) we put our ideas together (instead of leaving them in individual articles, as it is common in academic practice)
- by co-editing specific articles (phase II above) we disseminate our ideas and questions to relevant communities, and invite their expertise into our community.