top 10 problems caused by VGs
Pediatrics 2008
European Psychiatry
Journal of Psychiatry
1. An increase in emotional disorder symptoms
2. An increase in and behavioral symptoms
3. Decline in verbal memory performance
4. Somatic complaints
5. Attention problems such as ADD or ADHD
6. Detrimental shcool performance(VG increases GPA and SAT scores decrease
7. Family interaction problems such as less positive parental relations
8. Modifications in visual selective attention
9. Significant reduced amounts of slow-wave (REM) sleep
10. Playing violent video games is a significant risk factor for later physically aggresive behavior
video games »video games
Do video games have negative effects on youth »Do video games have negative effects on youth
video games increase violence amoung youth »video games increase violence amoung youth
top 10 problems caused by VGs
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