Boys aged 8-18 spend on average 40 min a day playing VGs
Boys who play VGs for a minimum of 40 mins a day witness over 180 incidents of aggression per day or 5,400 incidents per month

98% games surveyed, agrression went unpunished

More than half the games the perpetrators were rewarded for their aggressive actions

78% of violent interactions in first ten mins of game play featured lethal violence

78% of violent action was shown up close and in detail

Almost 1/2 of VG segments featured humor

Only 10 % of all video game perpetrators possessed good or prosocial qualities

source: Popular Video Games: Quantifying the presentation of Violence and its Context 2003
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Do video games have negative effects on youth »Do video games have negative effects on youth
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Boys aged 8-18 spend on average 40 min a day playing VGs
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