Studies of children exposed to violence show:
They can become: "Immune" or numb to the horror of violence imitate the violence they see & show more aggressive behavior with greater exposure to violence Studies have also shown that more realistic & repeated the exposure to violence, the greater the impact on children.
video games »video games
Do video games have negative effects on youth »Do video games have negative effects on youth
video games increase violence amoung youth »video games increase violence amoung youth
Studies of children exposed to violence show:
Boys aged 8-18 spend on average 40 min a day playing VGs  »Boys aged 8-18 spend on average 40 min a day playing VGs
Video game players understand they are playing a game »Video game players understand they are playing a game
Violent juvenile crime in the United States has been declining »Violent juvenile crime in the United States has been declining
A link between violent games and violent behavior has not been proven »A link between violent games and violent behavior has not been proven
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