Does not actually teach one on HOW exactly to kill someone.
Yes it is a game used for military training for combat, But these games are more for combat strategies and tactics and how to react to certain situations while in the field. The game does not actually teach the kid on how to stab someon, how to properly hold a knife or to shoot a gun and even to hold it. These games ARE actually meant for this reason, commercial videogames are not actually meant for teaching kids on how to use real violence.Commercial videogames do not actually teach the kid on how to stab someon, how to properly hold a knife or to shoot a gun and even to hold it.

Let alone the companies that make these videogames for training soldiers also ONLY sell and make these videogames for military use only NOT for commercial use. So this is NOT a valid argument to prove that everyday videogames lead to actual violence in people, especially since these videogames are not available to the public.
Cary Nabal »Cary Nabal
video game violence »video game violence
violent video games makes individuals more capable of real violence  »violent video games makes individuals more capable of real violence
Video games use in military training.  »Video games use in military training.
Combat training »Combat training
Does not actually teach one on HOW exactly to kill someone.
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