Videogames are common
There is no logical proof that connects Videogames and murders, because even if u find an xbox in the house of a murderer you will still find twinkies and chips and toothpaste... but no ones blaming the toothpaste. The point is that Videogames are so common now a days, that why arent there more people runing around shooting eachother if theyre so called, "mass murder simulators?"

the secret service and the FBI have profiled school shooters and found the only link between them was that they were males and that they were depressed.
Cary Nabal »Cary Nabal
video game violence »video game violence
Bad videogames should be banned  »Bad videogames should be banned
Trains kids to become psychopathic killers »Trains kids to become psychopathic killers
Proof? »Proof?
Videogames are common
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