Saying that putting videogames into socialogical children just rains them to turn into psycopathic killers is completely false.
In the show Penn & Tellers Bullshit, they did a study on violent videogames and the link to kids. They found a 9 year old kid who LOVES violent video games, who by the way just looks like an ordinary shy nerdy little kid, and decided to test to see if that so called "training" has payed off. By switching out his controller for an AR-15 Rifle. They took him to a Firing range and to the worlds suprise, he didnt know what he was doing, they had to holster it load it and everything for him and even tell him how to fire it properly at the training dummy.

The kid fired the rifle ONCE, missed badly might i add, and didnt want to even touch the rifle again. At the end of the show they actually show the little boy crying in his moms arms from the experience.... Alot of good the so called training did, How do you like ur so called psycological killer now america?
Cary Nabal »Cary Nabal
video game violence »video game violence
Bad videogames should be banned  »Bad videogames should be banned
Trains kids to become psychopathic killers »Trains kids to become psychopathic killers
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