Despite popular belief, parents ARE properly informed of the contents
There are plenty of ways a parent can get informed about a certain videogame. First source would be employees of the establishment they are buying said game from. Usually any store that sells a video game has an employee or "expert" on that games or games in general that just need to be asked about a certain game and it will be explained to them. Yes there are anomalies in this situation such as certain employees not knowing about that specific game, not knowing enough, or even explaining it very poorly. But stores that have these types of employees either cannot be trusted and you should take your business elsewhere OR the person your talking to isnt informed enough and their should be another employee that is more knowledgeable about the subject. Another source would be the internet, even if your buying the game online their should be a detailed explanation of the game on its web page. And if not their is also blogs, gamer reviews, tester reviews, even magazine reviews so there is PLENTY of information out there its the parents job to research this if they are unsure of a certain subject. So again this is not the ratings fault.
Cary Nabal »Cary Nabal
video game violence »video game violence
violent video games makes individuals more capable of real violence  »violent video games makes individuals more capable of real violence
The ESRB ratings should be increased »The ESRB ratings should be increased
Its the parents fault not the ratings »Its the parents fault not the ratings
Despite popular belief, parents ARE properly informed of the contents
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