The rating explains it all
 On the back of every videogame box right next to the Rating letter, it lists the different attributes of the videogame that give it the certain rating. Example would be the rating M for mature, next to it the box might say blood, explicit language, nudity, excessive violence, ect. to help inform the parent of what that video game might entail. So in the end the rating system is fine its just the parents decision and responsibility whether to expose their child to that type of video game or not.
Cary Nabal »Cary Nabal
video game violence »video game violence
violent video games makes individuals more capable of real violence  »violent video games makes individuals more capable of real violence
The ESRB ratings should be increased »The ESRB ratings should be increased
Its the parents fault not the ratings »Its the parents fault not the ratings
The rating explains it all
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