Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States. Founded in 1910, its work is nonpartisan and dedicated to achieving practical results.

The Endowment gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support from the following public and private sources from 2007 to the present: 

  • Basic Element
  • Blue Moon Fund
  • BP Corporation of North America, Inc.
  • Former Senator Bill Bradley
  • Carnegie Corporation of New York
  • Chevron Corporation
  • Jane and Bill Donaldson
  • The Ettinger Foundation
  • ExxonMobil
  • Fites Family Charitable Trust
  • Flora Family Foundation
  • Ford Foundation
  • Foundation for Global Community
  • GE Foundation
  • General Motors
  • George Family Foundation
  • The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Richard Giordano
  • Jamie Gorelick and Richard Waldhorn
  • Stephen D. Harlan
  • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • International Paper
  • Japan External Trade Organization
  • Boris Jordan
  • Robert Legvold
  • Stephen R. Lewis, Jr. and Judith Frost Lewis
  • The Henry Luce Foundation
  • The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
  • Jessica T. Mathews
  • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
  • Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, France
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
  • National Intelligence Council
  • Stavros Niarchos Foundation
  • New-Land Foundation, Inc.
  • Norwegian Shipowners’ Association
  • Nuclear Threat Initiative
  • Open Society Institute
  • David and Lucile Packard Foundation
  • Ploughshares Fund
  • Prospect Hill Foundation
  • W. Taylor Reveley III
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • Rockefeller Financial Services
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Vanessa Ruiz
  • Dr. Scholl Foundation
  • The Schooner Foundation
  • W.B. Shafer, Jr. Memorial Trust
  • Shell International
  • Smith Richardson Foundation
  • Levi Strauss Foundation
  • Shirley M. Tilghman
  • TNK-BP
  • U.K. Department for International Development
  • U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • U.S. Department of Energy
  • U.S. Department of State
  • Washington Group International

The Future of the US Institute of Peace »The Future of the US Institute of Peace
Congressional Funding of USIP? »Congressional Funding of USIP?
Withdraw Congressional funding »Withdraw Congressional funding
USIP's work should be funded privately »USIP's work should be funded privately
Private funding is more appropriate for USIP's work as a think tank »Private funding is more appropriate for USIP's work as a think tank
USIP is essentially a think tank »USIP is essentially a think tank
Other think tanks with similar objectives / activities? »Other think tanks with similar objectives / activities?
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Carnegie Endowment evolving into a global (not just U.S.) think tank »Carnegie Endowment evolving into a global (not just U.S.) think tank
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