Zitieren: Hankins et al Zitiert von: David Price 7:22 PM 23 February 2011 GMT
Citerank: (9) 92983Male CircumcisionMale circumcision can be an effective way to reduce the incidence of HIV infection in men and women.959C6EF, 92988Cost to avert one HIV infection ranges between US$150 to US$900Models suggest that the cost to avert one HIV infection among heterosexual men in low male circumcision, high HIV prevalence settings ranges from US$150 to US$900 using a 10-y time horizon.1198CE71, 92992Premature postoperative sexual intercourse has small impactModels predict that premature postoperative resumption of sexual intercourse, if confined to newly or already circumcised men and their partners has only small population level effects on the anticipated impact of male circumcision service scale-up on HIV incidence.959C6EF, 92994Behavioural risk compensation has small impactModels predict that behavioural risk compensation, if confined to newly or already circumcised men and their partners, has only small population level effects on the anticipated impact of male circumcision service scale-up on HIV incidence.959C6EF, 129419Male CircumcisionMale circumcision can be an effective way to reduce the incidence of HIV infection in men and women.959C6EF, 1296001 HIV infection averted for every 5–15 male circumcisionsSimulation models suggest that 1 HIV infection may be averted for every 5–15 male circumcisions among heterosexual men in low male circumcision, high HIV prevalence settings.1198CE71, 129601Cost to avert one HIV infection ranges between US$150 to US$900Models suggest that the cost to avert one HIV infection among heterosexual men in low male circumcision, high HIV prevalence settings ranges from US$150 to US$900 using a 10-y time horizon.1198CE71, 129728Premature postoperative sexual intercourse has small impactModels predict that premature postoperative resumption of sexual intercourse, if confined to newly or already circumcised men and their partners has only small population level effects on the anticipated impact of male circumcision service scale-up on HIV incidence.959C6EF, 129729Behavioural risk compensation has small impactModels predict that behavioural risk compensation, if confined to newly or already circumcised men and their partners, has only small population level effects on the anticipated impact of male circumcision service scale-up on HIV incidence.959C6EF URL: |