Accelerate progress on low carbon energy system
Immediately related elementsHow this works
Climate change and EU »Climate change and EU
Energy discussions and policies  »Energy discussions and policies
Have your say on the new European Energy strategy!! »Have your say on the new European Energy strategy!!
Accelerate progress on low carbon energy system
Increase production and use of carbon -free energy »Increase production and use of carbon -free energy
New framework for energy efficiency policies  »New framework for energy efficiency policies
Reduce energy needs (20% objectives) »Reduce energy needs (20% objectives)
Reduce emissions  »Reduce emissions
Develop new appropriate regulatory conditions on elecricity market  »Develop new appropriate regulatory conditions on elecricity market
Improve local solutions o for energy, waste, transport and housing »Improve local solutions o for energy, waste, transport and housing
Use consumer-centred tools »Use consumer-centred tools
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