Training for all partners How1 #370176
| Who should take action? - Health and wellbeing boards
- Local education and training boards
Actions Health and wellbeing boards, local education and training boards, and public health teams should ensure partners across the local system have opportunities to increase their awareness and develop their skills to take forward an integrated approach to obesity prevention. Local organisations, decision makers, partners and local community champions, including those from public, private, community and voluntary sector bodies working in health, planning, transport, education and regeneration, should receive training to: - increase their awareness of the local challenges in relation to public health and preventing obesity (in particular, increasing their awareness of the local joint strategic needs assessments [JSNAs])â
- understand the local systems and how their own work can contribute to preventing and managing the condition (for example when developing local commissioning plans, local planning frameworks or care provision)â
- develop their community engagement skills to encourage local solutions and ensure they co-produce an integrated approachâ
- understand the importance of monitoring and evaluation to the approach.
Local education and training boards should ensure health promotion, chronic disease prevention and early intervention are part of the basic and post basic education and training for the public health workforce. |
+Verweise (1) - VerweiseHinzufĂŒgenList by: CiterankMapLink[1] Obesity: working with local communities
Zitieren: NICE - PH42 Zitiert von: David Price 11:09 PM 22 December 2014 GMT
Citerank: (23) 369913NICE â Obesity working with local communitiesThis pathway focuses on an overarching approach to overweight and obese adults and overweight and obese children in local communities. It focuses on the importance of integrating action on obesity in other local agendas (such as initiatives to prevent type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancers, or initiatives to improve the environment and promote sustainability), and provides an organisational framework for the relevant community-based or individual interventions.565CA4D9, 370155NICE â Integrating Action565CA4D9, 370156NICE â Strategic Partnerships565CA4D9, 370157NICE â Joint strategic needs assessments & health & wellbeing strategyJoint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategy565CA4D9, 370158NICE â Strategic Leadership565CA4D9, 370159NICE â Supporting leadership at all levels565CA4D9, 370160NICE â Local communication and advocacyDirectors of public health and local government communications leads should ensure elected members and all management and staff working with local communities, both within and across partner organisations, are aware of the importance of preventing and managing obesity. 565CA4D9, 370162Public Health Teams565CA4D9, 370165Identifying local issues and actions565CA4D9, 370166Identifying and supporting local champions565CA4D9, 370167Local Advocacy565CA4D9, 370168Involving local businesses and social enterprises565CA4D9, 370169Local authorities and the NHS as exemplars of best practice565CA4D9, 370170NICE â Integrated commissioningFostering an integrated, community-wide approach.565CA4D9, 370172Budget allocation565CA4D9, 370173Contracts565CA4D9, 370174Sustaining and redesigning services565CA4D9, 370177Training for health and other professionals565CA4D9, 370178Local services and resources565CA4D9, 370180Planning systems for monitoring and evaluation565CA4D9, 370181Implementing monitoring and evaluation565CA4D9, 370182Cost effectiveness565CA4D9, 370183Scrutiny and accountability565CA4D9 URL: |