Next Tuesday – 14 08 19
Quick summary notes from our Franchise for Humanity Next Tuesday calls on 19 August 2014.

Franchise for Humanity

August 19, 2014


10:00 am Check in

10:20 am Project updates

10:50 am Final Word

11:00 am Close

Table of Contents


Table of Contents




Final words

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (7/29)

Corstone (5/13)

OMEGA (7/22)

Veterans, Suicide Prevention Mental Health (6/10)

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (7/1)

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

China & Student Exchanges (5/20)

CleanTech  (7/22)

Science Tech Innovation Collaboratory in DC (6/17)

Meaningful Purposeful work (7/22) (6/24) (4/1)

California Health Corps (7/22)

Corporate Kid (6/4) Neil Shulman's book.


Denise O'Brien

Mei Lin Fung

Kennan Salinero

Jonathan Trent

Jim Caldwell

Tammy Chan



Jonathan met with Rob Stewart, film-maker

Marje is going to Zambia courtesy Adco, the world’s largest farming supplier

Public Universities as Social Innovation Catalysts (Brian D.) HBR article begun

California Health Corps met with Gary Wolf, Co-Founder of the Quantified Self

Waffles & Champagne @The Enterprise (Brian D.) July 20

PersonalGOLDmovie private screening 7/21 attended by Brian D & Mei Lin

California Teen CEO Academy – Denise attended at Concordia University

Franchise for Humanity on TVfeaturing Tammy and Kennan- hosted by Mei Lin & Bill Daul’s great animoto video of F4H and FutureTalk featuring Jonathan Trent.

Bruce Alberts President of National Academy of Science to 2005. Kennan (7/25)

Science Tech Policy:Max Bronstein, Alexander LaszloBill Fenwick,Kennan,Mei Lin

Crowdfunding, Federal Reserve (7/24) Next frontier for Community Development Finance

Steve Blank UCSF July 30 Lean Startups – he’s working with NIH (Kennan)


1990 Institute – Workshop for California Teachers on China (Jim Caldwell)

8/10 Denise’s Tri-Birthday Bash–Manhattan Beach. RSVP Denise 310.754.9321

3rd Space Event for Yamana (Kennan) - creating open dialog in Minneapolis


TEDxLivermore @Black Box Theater – registration now open

Michael Morgan (conductor of Oakland Symphony), Meg Lowman (California Academy of Science Director, canopy scientis) and more in an intimate setting

Contact: Kennan

Design Echoes Workshop

Silicon Valley. Contact Riccardo or Juliana from Brazil or Sandy Bates.

Green Energy Council

Shanghai and Shenzhen conferences. Contact: Jim Caldwell

TCPIP40 celebration in Washington DC - Montgomery County Sept 10.

Part of Smart Montgomery initiative. Contact: Mei Lin


Neil Shulman Humanitarian Event, Atlanta


Delegation to China – Denise planning to attend. (American Chinese CEO society?)


Mei Lin - caught a Bonita (only 12 inches) so threw back.  Then Mexican Cabrillo fish spot (Calico Bass) - caught 3.  Difficult to take on 'the fight' with Yellowtail Tuna - psychologically.

Jonathan:  Finished the video that some of us saw - up on LinkedIn.  Can put on F4H website.  Finished last week.  Now talking with Mei Lin and Sean about the business case for the Omega Project.  Don't know about China - would be next week if going.  Really pertinent questions from Tsing Tao. Alex was in Tsing Dao - sent questions in Chinese, Jonathan used google to translate.  Thinking China is working on an Omega system already, which Alex had said already.  Was on the radio last week for a thing called Sea Change (60 different channels all over country - can send link).  Also invited via ministry of South Australia to do a workshop down there.  Started a Facebook site:  OMEGA-Project-Earth ( (this isn't the video Jonathan is talking about - that is on Vimeo with password 'Omega')

Invitation to this group:  Look at video and send back comments.

Jim Caldwell will be glad to review the Chinese

Mei Lin:  The business case ~ may reflect on kind of thing F4H can do for each other.  Jonathan and I had been in touch for several years, but these weekly calls have allowed me to dig in more and find out more, then able to connect him with people.  Last week connected with Taki Zervos who asked very specific questions from business aspects.  

Economics For Dummies: Sean Masaki Flynn - was able to introduce them and to Denise as well.  WIll follow up with an email intro redux.

How will expenses be met over the next 7, 10, 25, 50 yrs - how to get revenue from the products to sustain operations in the short medium and long run.  That is the economic model that Sean covers.

Confident that he has economics and finance background that can really help Jonathan.

Jonathan:  Spoke with friend in SF who is with the EPA, whose son works with the Chilean govt on economic models in marine industries. Now is the time to get smart economists around the table to work out the economics of OMEGA - algae products, water, aquaculture, energy - the cost of production vs the pricing possible

Denise- New client part of a TV network highlighting non profit organizations, very excited about this - paperwork underway to move forward on a couple of new shows - while in the middle of these negotiations  was in a cigar bar; another project with a nonprofit org that helps support war veterans.  Met some very powerful people in San Diego.  Met someone with money to invest. Marketing director in charge of $300 M fund Illumina - revenue $421 Million last year, works with Silicon Valley and around the world. Showed F4H team and flyer - . They can see Denise working with startup companies and take equity  in them to start their PR.  Can put her in touch with 10 companies to do that.  Just signed a contract with CleanTech in Silicon Valley.  Looking to invest in biotech and science and that sort of thing.

Jonathan - the roadblock is not the sequencing of genes:  Bottleneck is not the sequencing but what it means.

Kennan - most of Yamana folks are in the biological lifesciences- and seeing the breakdown - the healthcare industry use the tools - but we don't know what the conversation will be between science and biology and health - people who don't talk with each other. What is emerging strongly is to create an incubator that will help train scientists to open up and collaborate on working together on complex systems - that is the energy and direction for Yamana and why I am going to Minnesota

Denise - can you send me an email on Yamana - I will be reaching out to them today and will meet with Illumina tomorrow - would like to have them invest in Yamana

Jonathan - sign me up for beta testing

People in Australia are telling me I need some coaching before I go on TV in Australia

Denise - I will have to do a workshop on this in Silicon Valley and hopefully I will be up there every two weeks

Jim - I'm checking in - Green Energy Council is having conf 11/12-14/2014 in Tianjing and Hubei and Tsing Dao

Tianjing is on the Hubei Bay - which is where the Yellow River comes to the ocean from the Yellow Sea. I am doing a workshop on eco cities in November - want to set up partnerships between China and US companies to do various projects. Then go back in the spring. Its huge and a bit overwhelming - might as well think big and try to do what we can. There are really great sponsors (Jim - please add names if ok to do so)

Denise - I clarified with Illumina guys, one was Mr Yang, the other 2 were Caucasian - that I did not want to deal with any blood money - that I do background checks - and on the up and up - as the PR director of the American Chinese CEO Society - I am very clear that whatever money - authors, books, real estate, Hollywood, science projects - I want to talk with Jim once I know what they are looking at - obviously ROI is what Illumina wants.

Jim - going to meeting on Affordable housing in the Bay Area - Sustainability aspects of that project - exciting - getting together the various sustainability indices, ISO 9000, LEED, GRI and so on.  Working with Green Community Center at CleanTech.  One of finalists for clean affordable housing project.  Idea is putting community leaders to work in helping with the build.  Bringing in community colleges and tech training groups.

Mei Lin - Read an important report on Round Table for health;  Community development initiatives are now being seen as having very positive health outcomes.  Multistake holder gorups:  comm dev, affordable housing, green energy.  Ways in which they have currently as by-products of health increase population health.  Would be happy to send along this pre-publication report.  Walls Street, IRS and Federal Reserve are thinking of requiring banks to have community development projects.  If do loans and projects, have to reinvest in that community.  Entire project in Health HS in this area.  Because US investing considerable amount in health, a cost savings that will result.  A group of stakeholders put their money together and say 'we will do this' the Federal Govt will pay back the capital investment so they can do other projects if they accomplish goals.  Gearing up to do this.

Jim - Pay for Success program at the Federal Bank - various benefits like health, employment, crime reductions, etc - the key will be KPIs - key performance indicators so they can prove they did what they said they would.

Mei Lin - Evidence based medicine - IoM trying to get this into community health.  Sandy Bates and I had a wonderful talk with John Mattison of F4H also.

Institute for Population Health Informatics - PHII - Population Health Informatics Institute - making a whole community to use evidence based informatics based info.  What communities are trying to do what, what ppl are doing in trying to collect it.  Must be systematic in developing skill set on what communities want to have. Proposing long term national effort on evidence based health.  Financing on pop health - one day may have stock exchange for communities and investments in communities for great outcomes and a leader-board for other communities.  Effectively what China is doing already.  Thirlled to read IoM's Financing Population Health pre-circulation paper - happy to share with F4H who want to read it

Jim - there is a group called KPI library, wonderful resource.

Kennan - in my thinking which is developing in this area ; Bay Area Non profits - putting a lot of $'s in community development in Oakland - there are shortfalls in this approach - I am really keen because I see it as a powerful new entry in this area; David Snowden's non profit is a think tank - the power of micro narratives is a particular approach to go into a community - and have the answers emerge from the narratives - a specific dynamic about how to do it - to gather scientific foundation - this is an emergent answer to the need of "How to do assessment"

Elizabeth Miller has done a lot of work on assessment with Kennan - she is completing her PhD in this - has very cool insights into the next era of assessment -

Mei Lin:  Valerie Landau also!

Jonathan: Yesterday a conference call with someone from South Africa interested in an aquaponics industry.  He builds youth centers.  

Kennan - fabulous presentation on how to collaborate on complex problems, the input of thinking visually (but not narratively!) with; presented by Robert Gilman

There are no environmental problems

There are only environmental symptoms to human problems

Final words

Mei Lin: Joy

Denise:  Electricity

Jonathan:  Patience and perseverance

Jim:  Inspiring

Kennan - Bootstrapping

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (7/29)

  1. Set ourselves up as an organization – Flexible Purpose Corporation or B Corporation?

  2. Vision and mission, purpose, values: RFC - Request for Comments participation mode.

  3. We will discuss how we want to start and fund F4H as a organization

  4. Webmaster possibility – Collective Discovery – recommended by Roberta English

  5. Partner possibilities: Rotary International (129K members – Brian, Mei Lin via CHC), Edison Universe (Sandy and Mei Lin), The Mission Continues - local community level action (Sandy and Mei Lin)

  6. Interns for social entrepreneurship– Kennan

  7. Exchange between entrepreneurs and those who can help (mentors, interns) – Tammy

  8. Creative Alignment – step out of compromise, get to a new level of creating, seeing

  9. Branding: TV Show on Franchise for Humanity (7/23)

“What is F4H?”Flyer has been created – used in the Edison Awards

Franchise for Humanity sponsored (5/10)

Corstone (5/13)

Steve Leventhal provided an update (please don’t distribute slides) on their ongoing work on building personal resilience to increase a person’s ability to function under stress: competently, powerfully and peacefully. See our notes. Not for public distribution. Programs are facilitated by women in the community with 8-10th grade education and they are providing research-quality outcomes tracking. Very low tech approach – work on the way the girls think about themselves – it turns out persistence is very important. Beginning longitudinal studies over 1-2 years.Expand to 900 schools in developing countries. Laurie Bodine in the Bay Area offers a program called START Leadership in the United States:

OMEGA (7/22)

Working with Lorien Pratt to set up a simulation model teaming in Kickstarter campaign for Developing 4 minutes Omega video

Omega on Internet TV, see - filmed 7/23 in Palo Alto, co-produced by Mei Lin

Investigating possibilities in Singapore with Andrew Fung (met at Mei Lin’s 6/22)

Potential series of local conferences in China – starting in Dalian - Jim Caldwell: Green Energy Council has eco cities program to make prosperous healthy resilient cities in China.

UC Davis team project (5/27).

Spoke with (6/10).

Talking with Alex S. about getting Omega into China, Taiwan, Thailand, several meetings (7/22)

Nandek in India – developed proposal to seek funding (7/22)

Rob Stewart – filmmaker of “Sharkwaters” considering involving Omega in next film “Revolution”

Contact:Jonathan Trent

Veterans, Suicide Prevention Mental Health (6/10)

Generated a Gates Foundation proposal “Community Dashboard for the Poor and Underserved” through the Northwestern University Brian Donahue, Linda Neuhauser, Valerie Landau Mei LIn

Jonathan Trent False Memories, TED talk

National Quality Forum Community Action Guide Review Committee 6/10-11. How communities can become learning systems for health. Sandy and Mei Lin following up. (7/29)

Quantified Self (7/18, 7/28) Show and Tell – 7 minutes, slides advance every 15 seconds. Powerful to have people reporting on how they are tracking what they are doing for health.

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (7/1)

27 states in the US have passed constitutional amendment to allow for-profit companies to invest in social good.Met with Jennifer Grantholm, former Gov of Michigan. Spoke with Marje. Proposal for DoD created 6/15. Preparing Article “Public University as social innovators targeting Harvard Business Review for publication. Contact:Brian Donohue

Interviewing teachers in Latin America, to assess the ecosystems. Research to be available for the whole world - a white paper to the World Bank in Latin America? Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno Kennan and Brian will follow up.

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

Sponsored by Ashoka – Waldo’s slides Chile Social Innovation academy to nurture social entrepreneurs inside universities to foster a better mindset, better tools for making challenges Improve community of innovation ecosystem or rainforest Umbrella org Collaboration Lab inside the University - President of Chile agenda to improve the social innovation climate inside Chile - improve society to use the social innovation approach, create social enterprises and social companies. “I must change myself and each of the people in the community must change” Rainforest ecosystem can break down silo's. Sandy working with 9 Mediterranean regions Universities are detached from these groups. Social entrepreneurs are perfect link. Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno

China & Student Exchanges (5/20) Senator Bob Huff, Brian Peck from the Governors office in Sacramento attending to bridge Chinese business community and CA Government together

Denise will be an adjunct Professor at Stanford for Chinese CEO exchanges.

Linda Staheli’s friend Shao-Lin. well connected in China & US: Energy, Sun-wind systems.

To facilitate business between China and US - have real time translation of conversations automatically. Contact - Jim Caldwell

CleanTech (7/22)

Kimberly Wiefling business advisor, founder Leslie Field

Candidate forSan JoseMayor, Sam Liccardo,veryinterested in sustainabilityat neighborhood level, city and region. Strong focus on water resiliency as well as green buildings.

Green building evolution group working together, not competing: Eco-Cities and integration of many aspects -Building and infrastructureintegration to support ecosystem,people & economies. San Jose State EngineeringCommuniversity Model”neighbourhoods connect to Green City Profitable to be green and clean–let’s make it fun!

Stephen Andrew http://www.pacificrimeco.comBerkeley team on water projects in central China Facilitating collaboration. Julian Gresser working with Monterey sustainability, wrote a book "Piloting through Chaos: The Explorers Mind"

Building Information management-Morton Frank

Salt Lake City has successful model for affordable housing.

Jim in 1990, set up an institute for children's art of the environment to raise their and parent's awareness: now children's mural project that is conducted yearly

Pay for Success Financing – Vol 9 Issue 1 – Crowdfunding, investment funding for community development. More positive examples emerging. Brian D has friend in Concord Chamber of Commerce, been doing this for 30 years, investing, rehabilitating, making money. Multiple stakeholders involved all working to make the project succeed. Contact: Jim Caldwell

Science Tech Innovation Collaboratory in DC (6/17)

Anna Duran, founder of nonprofit. American Association for Advancement of SciencesContact:Linda Staheli and Kennan Salinero

Meaningful Purposeful work (7/22)

We can shift people so they can find meaningful purposeful work - lot of potential to build skills thru the Internet. During interview with Vint Cerf, Tammy asked for his ideas to help unemployed workers build skills on the Internet. Vint is enthusiastic about online education and building skills there Tammy Chan

Developing affordable housing, education, job training, jobs and resilient communities, all over the Bay Area: keeping everyone well connected, those who know, teach the rest. F4H Presentation: Resilient Communities as Living System Partners. Contact: Jim Caldwell

Met with Engineers without Borders. Contact: Jacqueline Chan

Caroline Malley – Business solutions for Global Poverty 7/22 Contact: Jacqueline Chan

TEDx on CreativityDon’t opt out of being creative. Don’t judge – we can support each other to practicecreativity Creative Confidence by David Kelley – IDEO. Contact: Kennan

Change of Name to

Video showcasing both and the Edison Awards

Kevin Montgomery was interviewed on the BBC,- About tracking human trafficking. OMEGA will be a pioneering F4H project on the site.

Contact: Kennan Salinero (4/1)

Let David know if you want a tutorial. Contact:David Price

California Health Corps (7/22)

Has become official part of the US Public Health Service network of 900 Medical Response Corps F4H Members who are part of CHC: Bill Daul, Kennan Salinero, Dan Desmond, Brian Donohue, Dan Esbensen, Mei Lin Fung, Jacqueline Chan, Tammy Chan, Tim Berlyn, Cindy Mason.Contact:Bill Daul, Co-founder of CHC

Working on visionary work and community based learning system. Contact- Jacqueline Chan

California Health Corps and Quantified Self – A new era of self healing, bring forth our diagnostic ability – Contact:Kennan

Corporate Kid (6/4) Neil Shulman's book.

BackSack (Be a Corporate Kid, Support a Corporate Kid) project - piloting 100 CEOs with 100 kids. Doing a reality show, a documentary. Set up Advisory Board that will kick off in August. Inspire all 100,000 applicants who want to be in the Quest Game where everyone begins a quest and is supported by the community. Contact:Marje’ Etheridge



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Next Tuesday – 14 08 19
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