20140610 Komponente1 #338813
________________________________Alexandra Hart4:35 PMSherry: teaches games studies, background in philosophywhat is the relationship between games and play and social and psychological phenomenonstudents play games, analyse the games from a philosophical perspectiverules of interationmechanics - how to progress the gamerhetoric - how do games 'speak' to us rhetorically?relationship: interactive fiction, narriative design, how to design a narrative to help a person experience a story!!!!!!!!!Social Practice UnitecDavid EpstonNarrative therapy________________________________me4:39 PMhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Epstonhttp://www.goodtherapy.org/narrative_therapy.htmlhttp://www.amazon.com/Narrative-Means-Therapeutic-Michael-White/dp/0393700984http://metalab.uniten.edu.my/~jaspal/research.html________________________________Alexandra Hart4:41 PMAction technology________________________________me4:53 PMhttp://www.amazon.com/Origin-Consciousness-Breakdown-Bicameral-Mind/dp/0618057072________________________________Alexandra Hart4:58 PMhttp://www.shengzhen.org/instructorslist.phphttp://www.shengzhen.org/index.phphttp://www.shengzhen.org/masterlijunfeng.phpHealing QigongMovements 1-10 for 30 months, daily practice, then movements 11-20 for a further 3 months. Then if he wishes complete the form.________________________________Sherry Jones5:02 PMhttp://www.slideshare.net/autnes________________________________Alexandra Hart5:03 PMhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Junfeng________________________________Sherry Jones5:03 PMhttp://www.slideshare.net/autnes/narrative-and-gameplay-in-game-design________________________________Alexandra Hart5:05 PMbridging the gap between narrative in games and narrative therapy through gamesdominant narrativealternative narrativesdis-ordered________________________________me5:06 PMAH: issues with game-based narrative therapy.________________________________Alexandra Hart5:07 PMgiving space for the problem________________________________me5:07 PMAH: dominant narrative is disordered narrative________________________________Alexandra Hart5:07 PMexternalisation of the problem________________________________me5:08 PMAH: distance between sense of self and that disordered narrative________________________________Alexandra Hart5:08 PMoutcomes that contradict the dis-ordered dominanat narrative________________________________me5:10 PMAH: build alternative narrative that builds new sense of selfAH: need someone to point out exception then encourage creation of game based on that exceptionI SEE A WHITE PAPER HERESJ: what about avatar studies?________________________________Alexandra Hart5:13 PMavatars - split-self________________________________me5:13 PMAH: danger with avatar: can create a broken (split) sense of self; avatar builds in a different reality a different sense of self from dominant narrative. Some issues there.AH: avatar narative alternative must develop and find means to map that back to dominant narrative in reality; otherwise just fantasy world could just perpetuate dominate narrative.AH: must be used carefully.Google has lots of hits on avatar therapy for schizo, but not much elseGoogle tends to show stuff on avatars as therapists (e.g. eliza)I see MASSIVE ANALOGY between seeking the exception to a dominant therapy and Issue-based information systems holding conversations till they stumble on some small common ground, then building on that.________________________________Alexandra Hart5:18 PMmultiole levels in a game: 1. expressoingg the dominanat narraritive, 2. expressiong exceptions, 3. buliding the preferred altermative narrative, 4. process of linking 3 to realty - 4 occuring throughoutpateint creates alternative storyidealised world for how their life should bereplace fictional character with themselfusing avatar's for 1-3 and then replacing hte avatar with the ture self in 4stage 5 = the something new that comes out of the process of 46 self narratives5 - the surrendering self6 - the recovered self5&6 are the narratives that we need to steer them towards in phases 3 & 4 abovegeneric game environment based on the narrtive therapy process that will be applicabel across multiple disorders?CFS: quest for the versions fo the self 5 & 6________________________________me5:25 PMCan we define a Quest to promote therapy, and Guild activity for the therapy?________________________________Alexandra Hart5:25 PMThe process of the quest is the process of narrative therapyprivate 'online room' is in their home________________________________me5:29 PMAH: narrative therapy has stages; each stage could be a quest;AH: first quest might be to find things they need to describe day life (e.g. day in service when something traumatic happened).AH: that's finding and describing dominant narrative.AH: what came out of that is flashbacks.AH: second quest: find magic chest where to put their flashbacks.AH: problem of flashbacks is now externalized: they're in the chest, even though they can still carry the chest around.AH: next quest: another cave in which they experience life without flashbacks; put the chest somewhere safe; it's not going to move. That gives them freedom to exist without flashbacks. Do stuff that flashbacks mean can't do; e.g. go out on date in crowds, etc.AH: includes loud noise that sounds like gunshots; all problems have been put away.AH: could go to movies and watch war movies, do all the things PTS pts find hard; accrue points when points stay in chest.AH: that creature they scripted becomes who they are: identification________________________________Alexandra Hart5:34 PMidentification with the successful rabbit________________________________me5:35 PMAH: stage 5 is outcomes of identification with successful rabbit.________________________________Alexandra Hart5:36 PMSherry = designer and theorist/philosophergames affect our ontology and epistemology of the worldJaspeljeet wants projects for his masters and phd studentskumar is a specialist in understanding how technology is used in education. therapy is an educative process.kumar = good design from an educational point of viewhttps://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/k-laxmangrad students: unitec, UoA, Jaspel's university________________________________me5:51 PMhttp://debategraph.org/NarrativeTherapy________________________________Sherry Jones5:58 PMWebinar - Narrative and Gameplay in Game Design http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4Uktwwn42M&feature=shareGamification and Game-Based Learning: Theories, Methods, and Controversies http://www.slideshare.net/autnes/gamification-vsgamebased-learning-theories-methods-and-controversies-by-sherry-jonesTeaching Philosophy and Rhetoric with Game-Based Learning http://www.slideshare.net/autnes/teaching-philosophy-and-rhetoric-with-gamebased-learning-by-sherry-jones-april-17-2014 |