Next Tuesday – 2014 03 18
Quick summary notes from the Franchise for Humanity Next Tuesday call on 18 March 2014.
Next Tuesday – Check In

Kennan -  Interested in doing a Rainforest model at Universities (Victor Hwang). 

Brian Donohue – We are a network of individuals who are resource-full. 

·  Connected up on DebateGraph, & David Price

·  Working on Healthy Base Initiative

·      With Kennan – writing a seminal article on entrepreneurship on Universities and colleges because the millennial generation is demanding it. 

Sandy Bates

·  Working with Juliana and Ricardo in Brazil

·  Expanding a network in the US on social innovation through corporations. 

·  Putting together a series of workshops to help companies understand how to execute social innovation.  A lot of corps want to do something in this, but don't understand what it is.  Throwing money at charities rather than being strategic.

Stan Gould - Happy to be here and have a chance to meet with everyone.

·  Omega project with Jonathan Trent continuing

·  Idea of sustainer function

John Kelly

·  Working on getting funding for Foundations of Mind

Jim Caldwell - Still haven't figured out how to use DebateGraph. 

·  Emails with Stan, talking with Jonathan Trent on OMEGA. Need biz model.

·  Contacts in China are looking for this business model for OMEGA

·  Update on Board Meeting for Green Economy –meed to integrate into holistic model.  Machine to machine information sharing to facilitate that model. 

·  Continuing work on US-China Green Energy Council.

·  Plan to link up with Brian Donohue as bridge to UC Berkeley

Marje Etheridge - Good to be back on the call.  Happy to have a new family in F4H. 

·  Invited by Naomi King (wife of AD King, brother of MLKing) to join her in London where she received an award from the King of Jordan and Queen of England.

·  Invited not only to keep the Dream Alive but to help kids involved in the Dream.  Involved in the film aspect to keep MLKing's dream alive. 

·  Executive Producer of the Halloween Movies is now into social innovation. 

·  Plan to talk with Brian Donohue about bringing this film arena to Universities. A

·  Democratic Republic of Congo Public District of Congo are looking for organizations they can trust to help with reconstruction phase.  Govt will be in Atlanta in May.  Looking for people who want to do work in the Congo.

Linda Stehali  - In one week, connected with a lot of resources to put on the map.

·  Spoke with Marje about the film festival. Talking Friday with organizing folks

·  Working with David Price and Chloe (introduced by Brie) on Dyslexia map with intention of making it a global conversation.

·  Talking with Kennan, interviewing people on the Wilson paper on urgent grand challenges for the planet:

o   How are scientists and innovators collaborating really well?

o   How are we identifying the gaps? 

o   How to work with other orgs? 

·  Talking with CEO of Posiba that is tracking WHO is funding WHAT globally.


Follow up Steps – Project Update as of March 18 (3/11)

OMEGA will be a pioneering F4H project on the site.

Contact: Kennan Salinero

California Health Corps (3/18)

Monthly meeting 4/17/14 at IBM San Jose 5-8 pm. See

Contact: Bill Daul, Co-founder of CHC

Networked Improvement Community Outcomes Data Cartographer (3/11)

Doug Engelbart’s talk at IBM 2003 and at Google. 2007

Mei Lin and Valerie met 3/12 with Sandy Calvo, Hillsdale High School Co-Principal

Contact: Mei Lin

F4H Papers (2/25)

Linda Staheli (Wilson Center) and Sandy Bates (Edison Awards) are writing papers

Contact: Sandy Bates 

In Person F4H Meetings (3/18)

DC –April 1-5 Marje will be there. 4/1 is Sophia’s birthday– Marje’ and Linda and Kimberly + Others?

Contact: Marje Etheridge

Film Festival for Youth (2/25)

Marje is focusing on MLK’s dream – and what that means for youth. Amy has films to contribute, she ran a youth film festival in SF. Linda is working on this in DC

Contact: Linda Staheli and Marje 

Mental Health (and Youth) (3/4)

Brie’s website She overcame anorexia when an Olympian – have spoken to 50k young women – Brie would love to be part of any youth based conference especially one centering on mental health issues

Contact: Brie Mathers 

NAMI Walk May 31st – F4H TEAM (3/4)

Let Bill English know if you want to join the NAMI Bay Area walk as F4H Team

Contact: Bill English (3/11)

Tutorial conducted by David Price 3/5, 3/15, 3/22. Let David know if you want a tutorial.

Profiles of Co-Creators of F4H (3/11)

All F4H Co-Creators update your profiles: Link your videos, photos, articles, twitter ids. David will map the connections between professional and personal interests

Contact: David Price

Science Tech and Innovation Collaboratory in DC (3/11)

Kennan & Linda network mashup to inventory possibilities, synergy & opportunities

Contact: Linda Staheli 

Edison Awards (3/18)

Will be held April 29-30. Still have availability at Meet the Innovators conference. Mina is looking at attending Edison awards in April, thanks to Sandy Bates.

Contact: Sandy Bates 

Network Capability Building (3/11)

Conversations about global game activity with jai and Brands and people with initiatives who want to take projects to scale – that activity continued from the beginning and turning into many exciting threads : Last year in relationship with Social innovation Impact hub network including the hub in Brazil – Bela Horizonte – setting up partnership with Sweden – Wise women in innovation – connected with others in Brazil expanding that program – partner in Sweden from Brazil. Part of the Impact Hub Network –specific hubs in certain cities. Back from Atlanta visited Marje and others during International Women’s Day and International Women’s Think-tank – met with Senator Donzella James. Shared with others who heard about F4H – accelerated excitement to bring more information to Atlanta and maybe host a session there. Several Tech companies – Dean Kamen’s network – Georgia First – robotics fair and science competition for kids – pursuing a partnership back in Atlanta in 2 weeks and how all these can connect as well as International Women in Technology – Atlanta Hub and Tech hub – launching camp for girls – youth and innovation as well as entrepreneurship. Now at 57th session of the UN conference on the status of women – trying to pull together roundtable tomorrow night – will report next week.

Contact: Kimberly King

Japan Connection – Fukushima Anniversary (3/11)

Roberta English’s friend, artist Mayumi Oda anticipated the current protests. John Mattison has a design to resolve ongoing issues of contamination – Linda Staheli, Michael Norwood, Jim Caldwell and Jonathan Trent are helping this move forward. Linda suggests the “…. Fund” and will introduce Paul Harrell. Jonathan Trent will connect John Mattison to JETRO

Contact: Open

UK Connection (3/11)

Innovation Park kick off in London, lead by PM David Cameron. John Mattison will be speaking at the Founders Forum in June, Richard Branson + 100 colleagues. Kennan suggests John meet with Roland Jackson, head of UK Science Lab and will do email intro. Mei Lin suggests John meet David Price of Debategraph while in London.

Open Standards in health and health sciences (3/18)

John Mattison was founder of the Health XML Exchange. Genomic Consortium has been actively supported by the Welcome Trust. Big gaps here and in Electronic Health Record Interoperability. Mei Lin introduced John to Charles Goldfarb. Tm Berlyn, Kennan and Linda Staheli interested. Jim Caldwell interested in standards was deeply involved in the development of the Unicode standard. Charles Goldfarb has indicated interest in beginning conversation with John Mattison (3/14)

Contact: John Mattison & Mei Lin Fung

OMEGA (3/18)

Jonathan Trent is serendipitously meeting with Japanese government outreach organization JETRO – linking Japan with other parts of the world –Professors at Truro university starting OMEGA project in Kyoto at prefecture near Tokyo. Met with Michael Norwood – have OGI – Omega Global Initiative collecting data from places around the world. Dutch expert on algae as a graduate student lived on island – near Venezuela, a former Dutch colony, interesting developments. With Fukushima anniversary, this area has Japanese attention – big furor about re-opening nuclear power plants – so they are pushing hard for alternative energy – focus on geothermal – real interest in bio projects like OMEGA. Just been nominated for world bio energy award. Continue on a daily basis, pushing out connections in network to get people interested in this project. F4H members: Stan Gould, Rob Stephenson, Jim Caldwell, Michael Norwood

Contact: Jonathan Trent 

Collaboration Tools (3/18)

Michael Norwood demo’d for aMei Lin (3/20). Kennan will test out WAZI with CHC. Missing utility – how to create intelligent connections around collaborations as they proliferate – need to semi-automate connections to augment our human intuition and instinct for connection- John Mattison. Need tool to match outputs offered and inputs needed- Tim Berlyn.

Sustainable Development (3/18)

- World Business Council for Sustainable Development- Jim Caldwell notes they mapped out to 2050. Kennan – this was an EU project with Bob Horn.

- UC Berkeley worked on sustainable cities – Urban and regional planning. Fred Collignon – to get to him – through Brian Donohue.

- – 25 years of advocacy, John Kelly’s sister Ann Kelly has project on which companies collaborate on green initiatives.

- 3/18 connect Sandy’s corporate strategy and Brian’s Public university contracts – Kennan.

- Brian suggests planning a conference on the social strategy model.

- Jim Caldwell knows that San Jose State has Engineering students team to make neighborhoods more sustainable under the “Communiversity Model” Headed by Terry Christensen.

Public Universities as social entrepreneurs (3/18)

After thought and prototype, then comes the contract where work gets done and lives get changed. Hundreds of thousands of academic programs where students go out and do a project without getting paid. What Brian did at UCBerkeley, enter into contracts, long-term work gets done, and people get paid.

Contact: Brian Donohue

Federal Grants for people on welfare (2/25)

How people can collaborate – and especially teams collaborate – look for different ways to help. Linda will share Rockefeller Foundation doc on this.

Contact: Amy Ng

Global Service Jam - Worldwide movement, anyone who wants to participate can.

- People come together for 48 hrs to work on a common problem.

- June 4,5,6 is Global Gov Jam. Innovations for the public sector. Can be hosted anywhere by anybody. Download tools and host a jam.

- Connect to Brian Donohue to involve public universities

Contact: Sandy Bates

Corporate Kid – Marje’s project

Met with Bill Kent, CEO of TNT, because we believe media is a great way to get the message out to kids right now. You can look up Neil Shulman's book.

- BackSack project - piloting 100 CEOs with 100 kids. All CEOs are not entrepreneurs; most entreprenuers ARE leaders. Doing a reality show, a documentary, ultimately leading to a film. Curriculum can be created at Stanford by Tom Kosnick.

- Charging CEOs $50,000. Will create a foundation to give shares to the kids.

- At ASVEN Conference Marje was invited to Singapore to bring this concept.

- Follow up meeting – Marje. Kennan and Mei lin

Contact: Marje’ Etheridge


Final word

1.     Kennan – Wow

2.     Brian – Collaboration

3.     Jim – Follow up

4.     Sandy – WOW

5.     Stan – Catch up with notes

6.     John Kelly – Inspired structure

7.     Linda – Focus

8.     Marje - Celebrate

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Next Tuesday – 2014 03 18
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