The following papers speak to circumcision and its relation to prevention:
Bailey, R. C., Plummer, F. A., & Moses, S. (2001). Male circumcision and HIV prevention: Current knowledge and future research directions. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 1(4), 223-231.
Byakika-Tusiime, J. (2008). Circumcision and HIV infection: Assessment of causality. AIDS & Behavior 12(6), 835-841.
Curran, K and the United States Agency International Development (USAID). (2007). Male circumcision: A new approach to HIV prevention. Retrieved July 10, 2009, from
Lazarus, J. V., Giordano, N., & Matic, S. (2008). Male circumcision in HIV prevention: Some implementation caveats. HIV Medicine 9(6), 327-328.
Mills, E., Cooper, C., Anema, A., & Guyatt, G. (2008). Male circumcision for the prevention of heterosexually acquired HIV infection: A meta analysis of randomized trials involving 11 050 men. HIV Medicine 9(6), 327-328.
Quinn, T. C. (2007). Circumcision and HIV transmission. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 20(1), 33-38.
Rice, B. D., Delpech, V. C., & Evans, B. G. (2008). Could male circumcision reduce HIV incidence n the UK? HIV Medicine 9(6), 329-331.
Siegfried, N., Muller, M., Deeks, J., Volmink, J., Egger, M., Low, N., Walker, S., & Williamson, P. (2005). HIV and male circumcision:Â A systematic review with the assessment of the quality of studies. The Lancet 5(3), 165-173.
Siegfried, N., Muller, M., Volmink, J., Deeks, J., Egger, M., Low, N., Weiss, H., Walker, S., & Williamson, P. (2008). Male circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library 3(1), 41pg.
Van Howe, R. S. (1999). Circumcision and HIV infection: review of the literature and meta-analysis. International Journal of STD & AIDS 10(1), 8-16.
Willyard, C. (2008). Circumcision strategy against HIV continues to prove divisive. Nature Medicine 14(9), 895.
World Health Organization (WHO). (March 2007). New data on male circumcision and HIV prevention: Policy and programme implications. WHO/UNAIDS Technical Consultation. Retrieved July 10, 2009, from