The Debategraph visualisation seems more meaningful

From what I've seen so far (but I haven't seen much yet), the Opinion Space interface shows a 2-dimensional map with dots, that represent ideas. These dots have different sizes (probably proportional to the idea's global rating). Distance between dots probably brings together like-minded people.

François Dongier
Current readings
Opinion Space (U.S. Department of State)
Comparison with Debategraph
The Debategraph visualisation seems more meaningful
In a Debategraph map, you see the ideas themselves
In Opinion Space you only see points in a 2-dimensional space
Debategraph seems better at *structuring* the conversation
Debategraph wins re *collective* optimizing of description of an idea
Opinion Space and Debategraph seem to pursue *similar goals*
Opinion Space better at helping people express *their own* views
Opinion Space wins at *simplicity* of the interface
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