RELATED ARTICLESExplain⌅DebateGraphDebateGraph☜Join a global community of mappers with over half a million ideas and 35,000 maps. Click on the bubbles to explore, and log-in to create free public & private maps on any topic!☜F1CEB7⌃What is DebateGraph? What is DebateGraph? ☜DebateGraph is an award-winning, cloud-based service that offers individuals and communities a powerful way to learn about, and deliberate and decide on, complex issues.☜DE7179⌃WhoWho☜DebateGraph is a social enterprise that combines argument visualization with collaborative editing to make the best arguments on all sides of every complex public debate freely available to all, and continuously open to challenge and improvement by all.☜D3ABAB⌃AssociatesAssociates☜☜D3ABAB⌃Global SensemakingGlobal Sensemaking☜Some our fellow mappers and members of the Global Sensemaking group.☜9FDDBE■Bob HornBob Horn☜☜9FDDBE□Aldo de Moor Aldo de Moor ☜Community Sense☜9FDDBE□Anna De LiddoAnna De Liddo☜Open University, Knowledge Media Institute☜9FDDBE□DERIDERI☜Digital Enterprise Research Institute☜9FDDBE□Jack ParkJack Park☜Open University, Knowledge Media Institute☜9FDDBE□Jeff ConklinJeff Conklin☜Director, CogNexus Institute☜9FDDBE□Mark KleinMark Klein☜MIT Center for Collective Intelligence☜9FDDBE□Paul CulmseePaul Culmsee☜Director, Seven Sigma Business Solutions☜9FDDBE□Simon Buckingham ShumSimon Buckingham Shum☜Open University, Knowledge Media Institute☜9FDDBE□Tim van GelderTim van Gelder☜Austhink Consulting☜9FDDBE□Graph of this discussionGraph of this discussion☜Click this to see the whole debate, excluding comments, in graphical form☜dcdcdc