iType= issue ; .fKey= .da
- EventNow ( By-elections )
- EvenrtNext ( next General Election )
- EventAfter ( General Election, generally four years from the ...Next GE Event )
- EventBeyond refers to Elections in the 2030s.
- "open source" Elections software is appearing
- review the global experts recognized by local academics
These distinctions recognize timing needs such as:
- By-elections are relatively unexpected events with relatively short schedules.
- General Elections are now generally scheduled on a four year cycle
- during which almost 40% of the time is consumed in six month reviews of the newly completed election and almost a years preparations for the next election, leaving very little time to develop, deliver, assemble and the systems components.
- Inevitably, schedule compromises will cause an over-flow of enhancements into the following Cycle.
Explain the CantiLeveredH strategy. This will be needed:
- for Funding (Debt or Equity) discussions
- accelerated growth has a 21 year life cycle that is implicit in the CGE restructuring
- Upper US brackets see to be able to extend this for generations
- explain that the restructuring was needed to position for the inevitable AdManCa opportunities