How will it be administered?

Truly Reclaimed
How will it be administered?
By an independent body
By construction institutions BRE, BBRI, etc
By government, regulatory authorities
By Salvo, Rotor, Bellastock? Trade-facing
Open source
Product label vs business label
Self-administered by dealers
After 2021
How complex or simple should TR label be?
How will it be funded?
Is it a brand, label or certificate?
To which materials will Truly Reclaimed apply?
Truly Reclaimed for demolition contractors
Truly Reclaimed for reclaimers
Truly Reclaimed for specifiers
What are the aims of Truly Reclaimed?
What are the risks?
What kinds of labels?
What traits should Truly Reclaimed have?
Thornton Kay commented on 2023-12-01 17:42
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