Data Collection Refinement at the Edge: Privacy, Security & Transport
Considering the assurance that comes with choosing real world unplugged systems (pencil and paper) used in crisis/edge space data collection, how can that process be supplemented to allow for less burdensome (regarding transfer of paper records to secure endpoints), fault-tolerant, more secure delivery to those endpoints?
O - when conveying images of personal/intake type documents assure that forms are labeled as confidential to indicate that, especially when personal devices are being used in some cases to communicate this data, it must be considered ephemeral and removed from those devices promptly after confirming receipt of the data on the secure endpoint.
O - following from above, flesh out a conceptual protocol for network connected devices
> especially personal social networks which is very common on the average user's device
> image management in regards to: PERMISSION to manage privacy info on a personal device
> image management in regards to: CLEARING PRIVACY INFO after it has been transferred to a secure endpoint.
O - basic awareness education/tip sheet for general responders to understand threat landscape involving possession of and management of information on devices.
O - streamlining/securing/backup up data collection: high up time/high fault tolerance imaging station to image documents for sake of a variety of logistics issues;
> conceptual gear list: (simple digital camera/tripod/batteries/memory sticks - encrypted)
> with testing should demonstrate simplification of transfer of forms (digitally and physically) relative to paper which could be left on site as backup if needed, rather than transferred as a default workflow.
> security with expectations of HIPPA level consideration: encrypted storage, text to transfer, idk - https email better, or Dropbox, Box, iDrive, etc.
> backup (simple file copy)