Acute perioperative condition

VA VisTa
Financing the Obama-Biden plan?
$ from middlemen to Pt-Dr. interaction via EHR's as VA VisTa
What the federal government needs to do
Create virtual communities of excellent practitioners and teams
Spread expertise in Rx of acute life-threatening problems
Acute perioperative condition
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute drug intoxication
Acute fracture requiring surgical repair
Acute infection in immunocompromised person
Acute renal failure
Blood alcohol level > 300
Delirium tremens
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Drug overdose with medical instability
Evolving CVA
Frank GI bleeding
Hepatic encephalopathy
Hypertensive crisis
NYHA Class III or IV heart failure
Recent serious head injury
Severe dehydration
Sickle cell crisis
Symptomatic bradycardia
Uncontrolled seizures
Unexplained high fever
Unstable angina
Unstable vital signs
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