Absence of global attempt to solve global problems
The Civilization Ending Challenges (CECs) and Risks (CERs) that could end Civilization this Century are documented in the MAHB Global 21st Century Project.
"You see, there are two kinds of big problems. One I call universal problems, the other I call global problems. They both affect everybody. The difference is: Universal problems can be solved by small groups of people because they don't have to wait for others. You can clean up the air in Hanover without having to wait for Beijing or Mexico City to do the same. Global problems, however, cannot be solved in a single place. There's no way Hanover can solve climate change or stop the spread of nuclear weapons. For that to happen, people in China, the US and Russia must also do something. But on the global problems, we will make no progress."
Dennis Meadows, 2012
MAHB Global 21st Century Project