3. September 2015
Loop Quantum Gravity
When I first started writing about consciousness I had no idea where the trail would lead. Actually I was kind of exploring a little bit. It led to some strange places. One of the strangest is this: what if people could travel as pure consciousnesses through the Unified Field, a.k.a. Ocean of Consciousness (according to some, anyway, including me) to other planets. The only downside would be that if you did that (as a spirit, ghost or soul) you wouldn’t have a body to inhabit: Nevertheless it’s fun to think about. So anyway, I went looking on the Internet (which is pretty large at this point) for things which might help me put all this together. And I came up with this. You might have to switch to the German language version of the website to get it.
So there we are: start as a free-floating consciousness here, float through a loop quantum gravity tunnel (or ERB) and end up somewhere else without a body.
September 21, 2015
Furthermore we need an explanation for this.
September 30, 2015
May 28th, 2017:
1. For Unified Field read Higgs Field. 2. Added ERB.