We have put together the most extensive international resource on hearing voices you can find on the web. This information includes both ways of overcoming the difficulties faced by people who hear voices, as well as the more positive aspects of the experience and its cultural and historical significance.

Because hearing voices is a much stigmatised experience we wanted to create a safe place where you can find out more about hearing voices and to create an interactive online community where you can let us know about your point of view or experience.

We have put together the most extensive international resource on hearing voices you can find on the web. This information includes both ways of overcoming the difficulties faced by people who hear voices, as well as the more positive aspects of the experience and its cultural and historical significance.

Here, you will find a very different way of thinking about the meaning of hearing voices.

We understand “voices” to be real and meaningful, something that is experienced by a significant minority of people, including many who have no problems living with their voices. Our research shows that to hear voices is not the consequence of a diseased brain, but more akin to a variation in human behaviour, like being left-handed. It is not so much the voices that are the problem, but the difficulties that some people have in coping with them.

We hope you find your visit to this site stimulating and positive -and most importantly – we look forward to hearing from you.

ISPS-US Resources Map
Web Resources
Hearing Voices
Behind the Label: Rachel Waddingham
Hearing Voices Cafe
Hearing Voices Network-Toronto
Hearing Voices USA
Living Mindfully with Voices
Rob Eagle
Voices Outside
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