CBT shows promise in reducing the risk of psychosis. Teaching families to apply CBT with their offspring may bolster therapeutic gains made in time-limited treatment. We developed a comprehensive group-and-family-based GF-CBT program that aims to facilitate psychosocial recovery, decrease symptoms and prevent transition to psychosis in youth at risk. The theoretical rationale and description of GF-CBT are presented together with a pilot study that evaluated the program’s feasibility & outcomes.
Landa Y, Mueser KT, Wyka KE, Shreck E, Jespersen R, Jacobs MA, Griffin KW, van der Gaag M, Reyna VF, Beck AT, Silbersweig DA, Walkup JT. Development of a group and family-based cognitive behavioural therapy program for youth at risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2015.