Welcome Reception
People-Centered Internet gathering at Mei Lin's kitchen with three speakers: Sean Flynn (author of Economics for Dummies), Melanie Walker (Senior Advisor to the President of the World Bank), and Mary Lou Jepsen (of Facebook and co-founder of One Laptop per Child).
- Most things that are for people are designed as a last mile strategy - we need a first mile strategy - from the ground up - the user- or people- centered approach.
- The incentives - were set around the performance of institutions and facilities - we need to start basing performance on a people level vs a facility level.
- Move away from the input metric - around efficiency - and move to an outcome metric - focused on effectiveness.
- Our tendency is to reward things in silos - when you do that at the top - it makes it harder to change things at the bottom - we need to do more things together.
- We need to think more about what data means and how to use it - we need to bring numbers in that drive people to do something - The big government and finance institutions need the data -
- Get the people to tell us what they need and what they want us to do for the People-centered Internet Initiative
- Listen from the bottom up vs thinking from the top down.