13. Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements

Overall, there are fewer proposals in the e-Inventory which contain clear targets and indicators on cities than most other focus areas.

Focus area 13. Sustainable cities and human settlements

Overall, there are fewer proposals in the e-Inventory which contain clear targets and indicators on cities than most other focus areas. Nonetheless one proposal in particular (in the second table below) provides very detailed targets on the issue. The strong link between cities and infrastructure is exhibited by almost all proposals.


Cities [47]


Green cities [48]



Increase access to public space and services.


By 2030, cities develop and implement action plans to address transport, public health and environmental needs in a harmonious and integrated way.

InfrastructureHealth icon

Increase the share of informal sector workers with social protection.

Employment icon equality

By 2030, from the local to the national levels, Government policies foster compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented, urban development that minimizes energy use and maximizes residential health and that reflects the concept of a society for all ages.

InfrastructureHealth iconEnergy icon

Reduce travel time.


All new buildings meet green building standards by 2030.


Limit the use of private vehicles.

sustainable consumption

By 2030, city transport needs are or remain predominantly met by mass transport, walking and bicycling.


Maintain or increase the rate of green areas.

biodiversity icon

Quality of life is also improved for residents by 2030, providing access to green buildings with urban rooftop gardens, clean water, clean energy, waste management systems and sustainable transport.

InfrastructureEnergy icon water icon

Measure the share of regionally grown food in urban citizens' diet.


By 2030, urban areas with significant storm water pollution issues reduce impervious surface area by 30 per cent below 2012 levels

water icon



Sustainable cities and human settlements [49]



Fundamental Urban Patterns


By 2030, all city-regions have adopted policies aimed at enhancing urban density and halving the current rate of conversion of additional green land for urban development.


By 2030, secure access to jobs, goods and services within 30 minutes by public transport, walking and/or cycling for nearly all urban households.

InfrastructureEmployment icon

By 2030, develop strategies that consolidate and reinforce existing urban assets in order to preserve and enhance the physical and social assets in cities and to integrate social and cultural infrastructure early in the planning and design of the physical environment.


By 2030, invest in green infrastructure at the city region scale for social cohesion and community resilience


By 2030, all city-regions have a tree canopy covering at least 20% of their area meeting the WHOs suggested minimum of 9 square meters open space per resident.

By 2030, collect cross-sectoral baseline data for all cities with population greater than one million, to understand resource consumption and monitor performance.

sustainable consumption

An urban life of dignity for all within planetary boundaries


By 2030, provide universal access to affordable shelter served by basic, urban public services for urban slum dwellers and public credit schemes for the urban poor to support shelter and livelihoods.

Growth icon Infrastructure poverty

By 2030, guarantee safe affordable drinking water and basic sanitation to all urban households.

water icon

By 2030, invest in capacity building and skills with a focus on youth and women unemployed or locked into the urban informal economy.

Employment icon Implementation icon

By 2030, at least halve air pollution from passenger and freight transport, to reach peak global transport GHG emissions by 2020 at the latest, with an ultimate vision of achieving 40-60% reductions by 2050 compared to 2005 levels.


By 2030, at least halve traffic-related deaths with an ultimate vision of near zero fatalities.

InfrastructureHealth icon

By 2030, double the total investment in green technologies and ICT applications to adopt community-based data collection systems in order to guide planning and program development for universal access to services, in particular for the urban poor and informal workers.

equality Infrastructure poverty

By 2030, by 2030 increase by 50% the number of countries with social inclusion policies, following multi-level governance and multi-actor approaches and contributing to the decentralization process.

Implementation icon

Enabling Policies


By 2030, all city-regions have developed pre-emptive and resilient urban design strategies to compensate for known and unknown crises.


By 2030, at least 50% of sub-national and local authorities have developed, broadly disseminated and established institutional mechanisms for disaster response plans aimed at minimizing human suffering and rapidly restoring lifeline services.


By 2030, redirect subsidies to fossil fuel and resource-based industries by 10% per annum towards sustainable economic sectors relevant to each country in order to foster its internal social and territorial cohesion.

Energy icon sustainable consumption

By 2030, promote and empower monitoring systems and peer-reviews among city-region partners revolving around the achievement of the SDGs at the local level, harnessing the work of networks of cities and sub-national and local authorities. Territorial Dimension of other Sustainable Development Policies.

peace icon

Territorial Dimension of other Sustainable Development Policies


By 2030, increase by x% city-regions that have identified, inventoried and completed condition assessments of major ecosystems within their region.

biodiversity icon

By 2030, all city-regions undertake vulnerability assessments of current and future climate and other disaster risks, and 50% of city-regions in both developed and developing countries adopt adaptation strategies informed by rigorous vulnerability assessments, that prioritize vulnerable populations and major ecosystem integrity.

biodiversity icon Climate

By 2030, integrate non-food and food ecosystem planning at the city-region level in disaster risk management and climate action plans.

biodiversity icon food

By 2030, adopt multi-level inclusive and transparent governance mechanisms to link urban-rural planning and implementation, empowering fair and inclusive trade for city-region food systems and expanding employment opportunities in the food chain from farm-to-table, for markets of all kinds.

Employment icon food Implementation icon

Governance & Accountability


By 2030, incorporate participatory mechanisms such as spaces of deliberation, citizen audits, participatory budgeting, and community-based data collection in the strategic planning of cities, ensuring the involvement of the most disadvantaged groups, including slum dwellers.

peace icon

Hold all levels of government and governmental agencies accountable against sustainability performance outcomes vis-a-vis the triple bottom line environmental protection, economic development, and social equity and achieve greater coordination between all levels of government and agencies responsible for key public services.

peace icon

Across all levels of government, monitor and end discrimination and inequalities based on gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, national origin, and social or other status in public service delivery, the respect for the rule of law, access to justice, and participation in political and economic life.

equality gender equality peace icon

Guarantee the participation of sub-national and local authorities in the decision-making spaces of the Global Governance Framework for the post-2015 Development Agenda.

Implementation icon peace icon

UN Sustainable Development Goals
14. Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production
13. Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements
10. Infrastructure
Eradicate Poverty
15. Climate Change
2. Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
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