Capacity is a complex concept. However, at the heart of international consensus is the notion that capacity is the ability to solve problems, make informed choices, define priorities and plan futures.
Capacity is a complex concept. However, at the heart of international consensus is the notion that capacity is the ability to solve problems, make informed choices, define priorities and plan futures. The objective of aid assistance is to help developing countries build their capacities, that is, boost their ability to achieve development goals.
Capacity development is thus a gradual process, with the country taking the initiative to tailor interventions to meet its needs by investing and building on human capital and changing and strengthening institutional areas. Ownership is key to capacity and capacity is built faster and has more sustainability when the process is endogenous.
Some of the activities, though not exhaustive, that lead to capacity development are technical assistance, training, organizational or institutional reorganization, improved access to information, personal empowerment, peer-to-peer exchange, establishment of partnerships, and communities of practice.
Key players' perspectives on capacity and capacity development:
World Bank Institute (WBI) Capacity development is a locally driven process of transformational learning by leaders, coalitions and other agents that leads to actions that support changes in institutional capacity areas—ownership, policy, and organizational—to advance development goals.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Capacity is the ability of individuals, organizations and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve goals.
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) A sound development program must be people-centered, with a focus on developing capacity, which means helping women, men and children in developing countries, their communities and institutions, to acquire the skills and resources needed to sustain their own social and economic progress.
German Development Agency (GTZ) Capacity enhancement implies the enhancement of capabilities of people and institutions in a sustainable manner to improve their competence and problem solving capacities.
InWent, Capacity Building International, Germany Capacity Capacity building involves the transmission of decision-making skills and knowledge. This know-how is then further passed on and multiplies.