This section of the website provides information on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, Financing for Development (FfD) and the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).
This section of the website provides information on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, Financing for Development (FfD) and the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). These constitute central components on the intergovernmental process aimed and defining the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. 2015 is a pivotal year for international agreements on sustainable development.
The negotiations on the post-2015 agenda is a process led by the United Nations which aims at creating a universal agenda for all countries, both rich and poor, and includes commitments on all three dimensions of sustainable development – the social, the economic and the environmental sustainability. The post-2015 sustainable development agenda will be the successor framework of the Millennium Development Goals, as well as building on the Rio+20 outcomes, including the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Member states are expected to adopt the final post-2015 agenda at a High-level Summit on September 25-27th 2015. The High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) was established in 2013 and is set to become the new institutional home for follow-up on sustainable development and the post-2015 agenda within the United Nations system.
In paralel to the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 agenda, are the ongoing preparations and intergovernemental negotiations leading up to the United Nations Third Conference on Financing for Development. The negotiations are taking place in 2015 and the conference will take place 13-16th of July 2015. The UN member states are expected to agree on joint commitments on financing for sustainable development and the post-2015 agenda.
Please see here for an updated timeline on sessions on intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 agenda and financing for development.