Thought as a System
Thought as a SystemBohm was alarmed by what he considered an increasing imbalance of not only man and nature, but among peoples, as well as within people, themselves.
Bohm mused: "So one begins to wonder what is going to happen to the human race. Technology keeps on advancing with greater and greater power, either for good or for destruction." He goes on to ask:
What is the source of all this trouble? I'm saying that the source is basically in thought. Many people would think that such a statement is crazy, because thought is the one thing we have with which to solve our problems.
That's part of our tradition. Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is the source of our problems.
It's like going to the doctor and having him make you ill. In fact, in 20% of medical cases we do apparently have that going on. But in the case of thought, it's far over 20%.
Therefore, if we have too much information altering our thoughts or changing the way we thought about a position, we can alter the paths people take even if the path is undesired.