Marketing and advertising at its finest. An example of how easily the ideals and agenda's of capitalist can derail the average person using the internet. One performing the research must first understand how easy it is to use the internet and how real and fake positions can be presented to a person in a targeted attack or as a way to sell or direct research towards a common goal.
If we drill into item 6, we must assume that Wikipedia IS NOT a free encyclopedia. The forum has proven to be a contribution primarily from ICT workers. As an expert in the subject of hierarchies, a group of people decided to contribute to the subject in Wikipedia.
We were business people versus technology experts. In 2008, we built out the subject of hierarchies as it was not developed in the wikipedia space. Within a few months, our contributions were removed and the links we had pointed to information which conflicted with our positions.
No notification and the outcomes were serious to the accuracy of financial transaction processing.
The forum was observed and found to be used primarily by ICT persons and positions focus on the way technology workers want subjects to be positioned.
Observations and supporting positions can be acquired by reviewing discussions in LinkedIn from the two sides; experts from Business and experts from IT on the use of Wikipedia.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we drill into the 5th item we can find a website which appears to be real and it is. Is it viable and accurate, we cannot tell.
We might assume the cybernetics reference makes it real, if we are a fan of cybernetics and discounts the writing if you are from the academia community who has disputed Cybernetics.