Transforming the World - Cultural and Spiritual Values
The secretary general has submitted his report on the SDG's which produced 5 Ps or elements.-People-Planet-Prosperity-Peace-PartnershipsThe outcome document highlights poverty eradication as the overarching goal of the new development agenda and has at its core the integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The emerging development agenda is unique in that it calls for action by all countries, poor, rich
For adoption in September
Transforming the world document
- 2015 a time for global action
Each community has their own dialect and students are the best bridge to language and knowledge presented in a way that inspires peace and harmony with people and planet.
From Lisa Martinez Building small business centers of excellence in Second Life
Innovation Systems for Wicked Problems - communities of color or hardest to reach and poorest
The team plan to enable the work for students of any age to contribute in a paid and experienced based project work.
EDTech has a large presence in Second Life, including an offer for educators to use their land free of charge. A key barrier to equality and diversity for teams has been the lack of materials on the differences and importance of respecting and having empathy for each other.
Peaceful people will begin with understanding and respecting different cultures, including the way each persons value systems show up in our communications.
The populations left behind are often the poorest in rural, mountainous, jungle, deserts, and urban communities. The economic differences play a role in the way we show up in the world and those differences are important for every young adult.
An anger and deep sense of how the world sees a young person becomes painfully clear in their middle or high school years.
An example of the way Second Life could bridge the divide - EDTech has a cultural museum where the differences between Arabic numbers, and greetings for interactions with persons from Arabic nations would best be defined by those students themselves.
Enabling culturally relevant virtual worlds where innovation and hope are cultivated with students bridging the divide in open source tools.