American Jewish Committee – formed in 1906 to safeguard Jewish communities around the world.

Source: AJC

"American Jewish Committee (AJC), established in 1906 by a small group of American Jews deeply concerned about pogroms aimed at Russian Jews, determined that the best way to protect Jewish populations in danger would be to work towards a world in which all peoples were accorded respect and dignity.

Over 100 years later, AJC continues its efforts to promote pluralistic and democratic societies where all minorities are protected. AJC is an international think tank and advocacy organization that attempts to identify trends and problems early - and take action. Our key areas of focus are:

  • Combating anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry;
  • Promoting pluralism and shared democratic values;
  • Supporting Israel's quest for peace and security;
  • Advocating for energy independence;
  • Strengthening Jewish life."


Amanpour CNN
Middle East Peace Process
Pro-Israel lobby in the US?
What does AJC advocate?
Not a monolithic community
Does the lobby favor Israeli government interests over US interests?
Relationship under the Obama administration?
J Street
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