Gap - We currently fail to use the life cycle approach to problems
Avoiding disasters - prevention Planning for disasters - prepareMitigate disasters - recoveryRepair the effect of disasters - restoreIn each case, we must communicate the disaster and resources must be named or financed to meet the needs of the communication system. We must have a universal or worldwide web we want to empower the disaster response as a mitigate the disaster capability.We must factor both male and female needs in all stages/phases of the life
In all four phases we must factor the disabled, the gender diverse, children, and all races of people in all parts of the world.
A disaster is a type of crisis and in all cases we have people and planetary threats we must center our focus on wellness of people and planet before commercial interest. We know both people and planet must have access to family and culture to be well. Health and Safety must be in place to be well. Access to economic and social life including housing and financial wealth providers in the disaster impacted area.