Next Tuesday – 14 08 05

Quick summary notes from our Franchise for Humanity Next Tuesday calls on 5 August 2014.

Franchise for Humanity

August 5, 2014


10:00 am Check in

10:20 am Project updates

10:50 am Final Word

11:00 am Close

Table of Contents


Table of Contents




Final words

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (7/29)

Corstone (5/13)

OMEGA (7/22)

Veterans, Suicide Prevention Mental Health (6/10)

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (7/1)

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

China & Student Exchanges (5/20)

CleanTech  (7/22)

Science Tech Innovation Collaboratory in DC (6/17)

Meaningful Purposeful work (7/22) (6/24) (4/1)

California Health Corps (7/22)

Corporate Kid (6/4) Neil Shulman's book.


Tammy Chan

Mei Lin Fung

Denise OBrien

Jacqueline Chan



Jonathan met with Rob Stewart, film-maker

Marje is going to Zambia courtesy Adco, the world’s largest farming supplier

Public Universities as Social Innovation Catalysts (Brian D.) HBR article begun

California Health Corps met with Gary Wolf, Co-Founder of the Quantified Self

Waffles & Champagne @The Enterprise (Brian D.) July 20

PersonalGOLDmovie private screening 7/21 attended by Brian D & Mei Lin

California Teen CEO Academy – Denise attended at Concordia University

Franchise for Humanity on TVfeaturing Tammy and Kennan- hosted by Mei Lin & Bill Daul’s great animoto video of F4H and FutureTalk featuring Jonathan Trent.

Bruce Alberts President of National Academy of Science to 2005. Kennan (7/25)

Science Tech Policy:Max Bronstein, Alexander LaszloBill Fenwick,Kennan,Mei Lin

Crowdfunding, Federal Reserve (7/24) Next frontier for Community Development Finance

Steve Blank UCSF July 30 Lean Startups – he’s working with NIH (Kennan)


1990 Institute – Workshop for California Teachers on China (Jim Caldwell)

8/10 Denise’s Tri-Birthday Bash–Manhattan Beach. RSVP Denise 310.754.9321

3rd Space Event for Yamana (Kennan) - creating open dialog in Minneapolis


TEDxLivermore @Black Box Theater – registration now open

Michael Morgan (conductor of Oakland Symphony), Meg Lowman (California Academy of Science Director, canopy scientis) and more in an intimate setting

Contact: Kennan

Design Echoes Workshop

Silicon Valley. Contact Riccardo or Juliana from Brazil or Sandy Bates.

Green Energy Council

Shanghai and Shenzhen conferences. Contact: Jim Caldwell

TCPIP40 celebration in Washington DC - Montgomery County Sept 10.

Part of Smart Montgomery initiative. Contact: Mei Lin


Neil Shulman Humanitarian Event, Atlanta


Delegation to China – Denise planning to attend. (American Chinese CEO society?)


Tammy calling in from vacation - caving, snorkeling, swimming with the dolphins - about 10 feet away - spinner dolphins

Denise - friends coming in for the Birthday party - from out of state and Norcal - most important are her son and father - photos of them in their Tuxedos - Win Win for F4H community finding synergy and developing opportunities. So grateful Dr. Tim and Mei Lin, and possibly Bill Daul will join us in Manhattan Beach on Sunday.

Our DOME Head Photographer JiaHang Lu has been covering NFL Hall of Fame - taking photos of the 8 new Hall of Famers and the commissioner of the NFL, and the president of the Hall of Fame, David Baker - very amazing opportunity for Dome Entertainment - this is our time!

Mei Lin reported:

Sophia Parker raised $20,000 for African charity, a Taiwanese buddhist monk went to Africa and built orphanages and training academies...the group came to Maryland to  demonstrate

Their company raised 20k for them while they were here...buddhist monks, African children. connections we can make when we care about things.

Mei Lin will share a link from Sophia for next week.

Denise - UFUNGUO Community Development project - healthcare in Kenya for 300 girls who need more computer connectivity - a couple of laptops - Vice President for Ufunguo, Karen, a nurse from Africa studying in the USA, working with WINGS OF LOVE INternational to create a public health fair - a team of medical professionals will be joining in Kakemega, Kenya; Purpose

1. Bring awareness and support the girls

2. Support expansion thru fundraising

3. Take care of their health care needs over time

Sounds similar to what Sophia did - children have needs, when people can see the need, more people are ready to open their pocketbooks

Tammy - Non profit progress- legal paperwork in progress - waiting for IRS approval - signed up for VolunteerMatch (recommended by Vint Cerf) now approved to get volunteers to help out - 2 responses so far. Now coordinating to see what we can do!

waiting for IRS to approve

Trying to do it without hiring a lawyer.  Got the employee ID number.

Got State of Information filed with IRS application for 501c)3)

Mei Lin:

doing work with Health and Human Services. Wants help on a project with the California Health Corps

They are stepping in to try to help as a way to learn.

To support those in rural health across the country with health technologies  to help people living in rural areas to have better health.

technical assistance, possibilities of medicine with new technologies. listening to what they are trying to do.

Connecting. listening. facilitating.

ideal for the aspirations with the CA Health Corps.

Can we use technologies in varied ways. Sophia is #55 in INC 500. Brave and courageous that I want to learn from her. I am moving in that direction.


Using the community based approach and doing a needs assessment is a good idea. look at assets they already have. use it for the foundation for a development approach.

in parallel look at waht is being doing. mobile technologies in that aspect

rural work is international.

familiair with domestic rural work.

looking at it, will do some research for Mei Lin.

Needs assessment - before acting

mobile tech in rural health

to support people that have already received the grant to do the work. ideal to be a trading post for gathering of information, road blocks, what to do to solve unseen issues. technical assistance.

not directly doing the work, but being an advisor to those that are already doing the work.

See what their own road map is and see if we can make it stronger or more robust, instead of waiting for them to hit obstacles, but anticipate what they might need to prevent the obstacles

Mary Kay Ash "I have the bloodiest knees of all" she asks all women to learn from the knocks on her own head, as she has fallen down so often. Watch and learn from her and dont make the same mistakes.

Denise just spent a week at the 52nd annual Mary Kay Seminar - grown up with her, gone from 200,000 beauty consultants now 3.5 million globally - incredible legacy - Ryan Rogers is Mary Kays grandson and running the company now

MK-s husband died the same week she was going to open the company - all her advisors told her to fold it up - a single mom with 3 kids - she said she was not going to stop - 19 year old son Richard Rogers had lifesavings $5000 - and invested it in the company - now his son Ryan is running the company, which has annual sales over $3Billion.

Started in 1963, in the 1980's became publicly held company - Stock holders frowned upon MKs family rewarding extravagant prizes and high compensation to the sales force members and wanted her to give the profits to the stock holders - Mary Kay and her son Richard created a miracle and they did a leveraged buy out, took it back to be a privately held company so they could continue to give the profits to the people who made it happen - reinvested in the sales force - pink cadillacs and recognizing people

An ounce of recognition is worth a pound of money. Praise people to success.

Mary Kay Ash: Our P and L stands for People and Love, not Profit and Loss.

this will always be worth much more than the physical aspects of success

this is what Denise does from the ground up and the top down - recognition

Read Mary Kay's autobiography - Denise has many copies. Grandson at 7 years old, Mary Kay had her book on "people management" and showed a copy inscribed to Ryan - she knew he would be the one to be the president , out of her many grandkids

and it is happening today - he has her beautiful spirit and mannerisms - the family spirit

The Mary Kay Foundation is run by her granddaughters

When she died 12 years ago - they searched for the next head of Mary Kay - and hired some corporate woman who ran American Express - she read her speech off the teleprompter - she was a figurehead - and did not have it inside her - within days, they removed her - it was obvious she was not going to be able to replace Mary Kay - it shows you, you can't create that.

Now having family it makes all the difference

I can feel the legacy that you are keeping alive within your self, and creating a new legacy in your own way.

Until I met you, I never met anyone that had been in the Mary Kay family.. I would love to read her autobiography. just this morning the story about the 3 supreme court justices that are women , in terms of access for women, that it is behind the progress of other groups.

wondering why this is still going on. realizing the wonderful examples, Mary kay is a positive leader. What did she do? how did she do it? can we apply the recipe in Franchise for Hum

jac. public health

tam mentorship

meil lin community and public health

Denise - at banquet I hosted in Dallas - Mary Kay was the most powerful I ever met - so smart, blue eye shadow, high heels, bee hive wig - she made you feel you were the only one in the room - she would look into your eyes and made you feel you were the only one she cared about

She worked very hard in an all male company Fuller Brush - she worked very hard and won the top award, and flew to the convention to receive her award - she expected an award like the last year an alligator bag - they gave her a fishing lamp - when the president shook her hand, he looked at the other people behind her, and did not look her in the eye

She learned from that - and never did that -

Mei Lin: We all have that chance to learn from Mary Kay and her ways.

Jac: It is motivating to see how one person is available to see rise up and to motivate.

Mei Lin: reminds me of a promise I made to myself at Oracle. I felt so alone, and devastated by the leadership model that was all around me. Partly being a woman. Partly being a minority. Partly angry at how people were treating each other. I thought to myself, that I tought I would find ways to reach out to people that are like my younger self, so that they won

t feel so abandoned, as I did when I was at Oracle. it was so crazy. it was the wild west. the accountant was telling jokes, what happens? The accountants would say,

what number do you want it to be?

I was shocked. i thought, how did I get here? What can I do?

I was just as capable as I am now, but when you find yourself in the place. that everyone is taking for granted

Denise suggested being introduced to

Aaron Beam,  - 7 years after he left his company HealthSouth as CFO- he still went to jail for 3 months for "cooking the books"

Spends his life now talking about Ethics and traveling around the country inspiring young leaders.

Mei Lin: two years after I left oracle, I couldnt do anything.

over the last few weeks, thinking about what we are doing at F4H.

deeper underlying foundations, embody my hope

we can be an oasis and safe harbor about what is going on, but dealing with the world as it is, and what can we do within that space.

i know that whole feeling of feeling, that nobody else thinks this is a problem.

at F4H...we need to be safe to say, " i thinki this is a problem

what do you think?

felt so helpless like drowning....all the Enron stories showed that this is how it this is how it stops.


transition : old time accounting to software.

oracle was using the old accounting rules, and there were no new rules. Those wondering what the right thing to do, they came up with the new kind of rules.

Mei Lin asked: What can F4H do for you? What is your hope?

Jacqueline: for me, my future is uncertain - I want to continue to work with Engineers without Borders and California Health Corps - its a trusted space for me to bring in ideas and work on - to know there is a network of people with similar underlying values - its surprisingly difficult to find people who have the same ideals and vision about how to bring into fruition a future

Tammy:  Franchise for Humanity - trading post to exchange ideas, build relationships - for the future, i don't quite know... its working very well for me - i don't see it as a business for getting more members involved.. to continue to add speakers - guest speakers and see how that would help each other out - inside and outside of the network

like that it is a closed group.

Denise - I loved how Tammy said "I don't quite see it as a business" - everything we as women do, we have to look at how it counts towards our future - as a single mom, I have spent most of my life taking care of my children, 22, 19 and 11 - my pride and joy - growing up at home - Mary Kay allowed me to have a home-based business... working my whole life- my passion is to help other women to build their dreams whatever those are

in the past 5 years, I have branched out to men as well - I have many male friends - I want to find ways to support women - inequity in pay - in 1963 Women made 71 cents for $1 earned by men

Franchise for Humanity is an opportunity to shine among men - to see my authenticity - I am grateful to be in a select group of co-creators - including men - Dr. Kosnik, Jim Caldwell, Bill Daul, Jonathan Trent, Bill Fenwick (he liked something on my Facebook page!) - without being part of Franchise for Humanity - I would not have been a trusted alliance with such high level of people

We are giving younger people the ability to be on a level playing field - I see myself giving an opportunity to everyone - to pass it on to the next generation

Meli Ln: Thank you to each of you. A new form of mediation ...gratitude meditation taught to be last week by Michael Norwood: To take a moment to say what we are grateful for, and then say, So Be It.

For every second that I have left in my life, I am grateful. Because each second represents an opportunity that is a promise of possibility. I am grateful for how much possibility there is in the rest of my life and i hope i can use it wisely to help others realize the possibilities in their lives.

i am grateful  for the friendships of Tammy, Jacqueline and Denise, and I can sense the rising opportunities ahead. Franchise for Humanity is a place to be safe, to share values in this troubled world, and I am grateful for this opprtunity to be with friends once a week.


Final words

Projects Check In

Franchise for Humanity – Plans and Roadmap (7/29)

  1. Set ourselves up as an organization – Flexible Purpose Corporation or B Corporation?

  2. Vision and mission, purpose, values: RFC - Request for Comments participation mode.

  3. We will discuss how we want to start and fund F4H as a organization

  4. Webmaster possibility – Collective Discovery – recommended by Roberta English

  5. Partner possibilities: Rotary International (129K members – Brian, Mei Lin via CHC), Edison Universe (Sandy and Mei Lin), The Mission Continues - local community level action (Sandy and Mei Lin)

  6. Interns for social entrepreneurship– Kennan

  7. Exchange between entrepreneurs and those who can help (mentors, interns) – Tammy

  8. Creative Alignment – step out of compromise, get to a new level of creating, seeing

  9. Branding: TV Show on Franchise for Humanity (7/23)

“What is F4H?”Flyer has been created – used in the Edison Awards

Franchise for Humanity sponsored (5/10)

Corstone (5/13)

Steve Leventhal provided an update (please don’t distribute slides) on their ongoing work on building personal resilience to increase a person’s ability to function under stress: competently, powerfully and peacefully. See our notes. Not for public distribution. Programs are facilitated by women in the community with 8-10th grade education and they are providing research-quality outcomes tracking. Very low tech approach – work on the way the girls think about themselves – it turns out persistence is very important. Beginning longitudinal studies over 1-2 years.Expand to 900 schools in developing countries. Laurie Bodine in the Bay Area offers a program called START Leadership in the United States:

OMEGA (7/22)

Working with Lorien Pratt to set up a simulation model teaming in Kickstarter campaign for Developing 4 minutes Omega video

Omega on Internet TV, see - filmed 7/23 in Palo Alto, co-produced by Mei Lin

Investigating possibilities in Singapore with Andrew Fung (met at Mei Lin’s 6/22)

Potential series of local conferences in China – starting in Dalian - Jim Caldwell: Green Energy Council has eco cities program to make prosperous healthy resilient cities in China.

UC Davis team project (5/27).

Spoke with (6/10).

Talking with Alex S. about getting Omega into China, Taiwan, Thailand, several meetings (7/22)

Nandek in India – developed proposal to seek funding (7/22)

Rob Stewart – filmmaker of “Sharkwaters” considering involving Omega in next film “Revolution”

Contact:Jonathan Trent

Veterans, Suicide Prevention Mental Health (6/10)

Generated a Gates Foundation proposal “Community Dashboard for the Poor and Underserved” through the Northwestern University Brian Donahue, Linda Neuhauser, Valerie Landau Mei LIn

Jonathan Trent False Memories, TED talk

National Quality Forum Community Action Guide Review Committee 6/10-11. How communities can become learning systems for health. Sandy and Mei Lin following up. (7/29)

Quantified Self (7/18, 7/28) Show and Tell – 7 minutes, slides advance every 15 seconds. Powerful to have people reporting on how they are tracking what they are doing for health.

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (7/1)

27 states in the US have passed constitutional amendment to allow for-profit companies to invest in social good.Met with Jennifer Grantholm, former Gov of Michigan. Spoke with Marje. Proposal for DoD created 6/15. Preparing Article “Public University as social innovators targeting Harvard Business Review for publication. Contact:Brian Donohue

Interviewing teachers in Latin America, to assess the ecosystems. Research to be available for the whole world - a white paper to the World Bank in Latin America? Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno Kennan and Brian will follow up.

Social Innovation Academy (5/27)

Sponsored by Ashoka – Waldo’s slides Chile Social Innovation academy to nurture social entrepreneurs inside universities to foster a better mindset, better tools for making challenges Improve community of innovation ecosystem or rainforest Umbrella org Collaboration Lab inside the University - President of Chile agenda to improve the social innovation climate inside Chile - improve society to use the social innovation approach, create social enterprises and social companies. “I must change myself and each of the people in the community must change” Rainforest ecosystem can break down silo's. Sandy working with 9 Mediterranean regions Universities are detached from these groups. Social entrepreneurs are perfect link. Contact: Waldo Soto Bruno

China & Student Exchanges (5/20) Senator Bob Huff, Brian Peck from the Governors office in Sacramento attending to bridge Chinese business community and CA Government together

Denise will be an adjunct Professor at Stanford for Chinese CEO exchanges.

Linda Staheli’s friend Shao-Lin. well connected in China & US: Energy, Sun-wind systems.

To facilitate business between China and US - have real time translation of conversations automatically. Contact - Jim Caldwell

CleanTech (7/22)

Kimberly Wiefling business advisor, founder Leslie Field

Candidate forSan JoseMayor, Sam Liccardo,veryinterested in sustainabilityat neighborhood level, city and region. Strong focus on water resiliency as well as green buildings.

Green building evolution group working together, not competing: Eco-Cities and integration of many aspects -Building and infrastructureintegration to support ecosystem,people & economies. San Jose State EngineeringCommuniversity Model”neighbourhoods connect to Green City Profitable to be green and clean–let’s make it fun!

Stephen Andrew http://www.pacificrimeco.comBerkeley team on water projects in central China Facilitating collaboration. Julian Gresser working with Monterey sustainability, wrote a book "Piloting through Chaos: The Explorers Mind"

Building Information management-Morton Frank

Salt Lake City has successful model for affordable housing.

Jim in 1990, set up an institute for children's art of the environment to raise their and parent's awareness: now children's mural project that is conducted yearly

Pay for Success Financing – Vol 9 Issue 1 – Crowdfunding, investment funding for community development. More positive examples emerging. Brian D has friend in Concord Chamber of Commerce, been doing this for 30 years, investing, rehabilitating, making money. Multiple stakeholders involved all working to make the project succeed. Contact: Jim Caldwell

Science Tech Innovation Collaboratory in DC (6/17)

Anna Duran, founder of nonprofit. American Association for Advancement of SciencesContact:Linda Staheli and Kennan Salinero

Meaningful Purposeful work (7/22)

We can shift people so they can find meaningful purposeful work - lot of potential to build skills thru the Internet. During interview with Vint Cerf, Tammy asked for his ideas to help unemployed workers build skills on the Internet. Vint is enthusiastic about online education and building skills there Tammy Chan

Developing affordable housing, education, job training, jobs and resilient communities, all over the Bay Area: keeping everyone well connected, those who know, teach the rest. F4H Presentation: Resilient Communities as Living System Partners. Contact: Jim Caldwell

Met with Engineers without Borders. Contact: Jacqueline Chan

Caroline Malley – Business solutions for Global Poverty 7/22 Contact: Jacqueline Chan

TEDx on CreativityDon’t opt out of being creative. Don’t judge – we can support each other to practicecreativity Creative Confidence by David Kelley – IDEO. Contact: Kennan

Change of Name to

Video showcasing both and the Edison Awards

Kevin Montgomery was interviewed on the BBC,- About tracking human trafficking. OMEGA will be a pioneering F4H project on the site.

Contact: Kennan Salinero (4/1)

Let David know if you want a tutorial. Contact:David Price

California Health Corps (7/22)

Has become official part of the US Public Health Service network of 900 Medical Response Corps F4H Members who are part of CHC: Bill Daul, Kennan Salinero, Dan Desmond, Brian Donohue, Dan Esbensen, Mei Lin Fung, Jacqueline Chan, Tammy Chan, Tim Berlyn, Cindy Mason.Contact:Bill Daul, Co-founder of CHC

Working on visionary work and community based learning system. Contact- Jacqueline Chan

California Health Corps and Quantified Self – A new era of self healing, bring forth our diagnostic ability – Contact:Kennan

Corporate Kid (6/4) Neil Shulman's book.

BackSack (Be a Corporate Kid, Support a Corporate Kid) project - piloting 100 CEOs with 100 kids. Doing a reality show, a documentary. Set up Advisory Board that will kick off in August. Inspire all 100,000 applicants who want to be in the Quest Game where everyone begins a quest and is supported by the community. Contact:Marje’ Etheridge



Franchise for Humanity – Act for Impact
F4H - Projects
F4H Next Tuesday calls
Next Tuesday – August 2014
Next Tuesday – 14 08 05
Next Tuesday – 14 08 26
Next Tuesday – 14 08 12
Next Tuesday – 14 08 19
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