COI Peerspectives
Draft thoughts from Sam Hahn (shared via email on 8 September 2014)
What we want to achieve with COI & peerspectives
- A set of practices that will
- Assist one in attaining more conscious execution and being
- Assist one by providing trusted peers to help conduct these reflective retrospectives
- Be at an appropriate (not too low, not too high) level of "overhead" so that it is "worth it"
- Create a "field" effect that allows individual adjustment to take place locally, but influenced by and influencing a trusted community
- A set of practices that will self-identify individuals with a community of others like-minded in their intent to become more conscious about being
- A set of practices that will allow a high-integrity sharing of nuanced notions around a collection of values
- wholeness, health, love, contribution, respect, integrity, acceptance, accountability,
- Allow for differences in each's interpretation
- Allow for each individual to learn from these differences
- Allow for the community to learn from these differences
Specifically, what happens in a peerspective?
- What was intended? (in this "go-around" aka iteration aka sprint)
- What was achieved?
- If an intended result was not achieved,
- What happened?
- Did adjustment / adaptation happen well?
- What changes need to be tried next?
- What do we not yet understand?
- Put on backlog for future peerspectives
- Write this up and make it shareable within COI (trusted community)
As a framework for other peerspectives
- Framework that is amenable to improvements, collected from throughout the COI
- Perhaps "targetable" depending on different stakeholder / role types
- Is there just ONE "sharability" withiin COI, or is there entity-specific sharing?
- eg. Do I have my own trusted circle, or is the entire COI "trusted"?