Next Tuesday – 2014 04 15

Quick summary notes from our Franchise for Humanity Next Tuesday call on April 15.


1.     Kimberly Wiefling
2.     Michael Norwood
3.     Mei Lin Fung
4.     Garry Guan
5.     Denise O'Brien
6.     Jonathan Trent
7.     Stan Gould
8.     Sandy Bates
9.     Bill English
10. Brian Donohue
11. Kennan Salinero
12. Jim Caldwell
13. Roberta English
14. Tammy Chan
15. Tim Berlyn



Prep. Meeting forGlobal Gov Jam June 2014 – to be re-scheduled

48 hour creativity jam bringing people in a room for ideas based on a theme: Global Service Jam 3/14 and Global Creativity Jam 10/14

4/29-30/14 Edison Awards

Jonathan Trent and John Mattison (Aging in Place panel for Kaiser) will be speaking. Stanford Social Innovation Review is a media sponsor.

“What is F4H?” Flyer to be prepared – Denise (& Intern will help with graphics layout) and Sandy, Kennan, Brian. (Tony Walker will do graphics)

Good discounts available for “Meet the Innovators” Panel

Contact for both:Sandy


5/1/14SF Bay Area Franchise for Humanity Gathering in Palo Alto

Sandy Bates will be visiting

Contact:Mei Lin

5/10/14- 40th anniversary of TCPIP - with Vint Cerf, in Palo Alto

We are enlisting Millennials to interview the Internet pioneers to capture their stories for posterity, on; To be involved,…

Contact:Mei Lin Bill

5/31/14– National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Walk

F4HTeam: Bill & Roberta, Mei Lin, who else?

Sign up here -



6/4,5,6/14– Global Gov Jam


6/25-27 – Health Occupation Students of America/Future Health ProfessionalsNational Leadership Conference 7000 youth leaders–Orlando FL. If interested,..

Contact: Mei Lin


7/18/14– Neil Shulman Humanitarian Event, Atlanta



Brian Donohue: A thrill to be asked your opinion on a national document working with 9,000 local health clinics for input. Do we have a 'consensus?' of 'what is F4H?  See Debategraph – also Sandy and Denise are working on 1 pager for Edison Awards.

Garry Guan  Sophia Parker got me into her group, will be part of group for bid with Dept of HHS, as language support for grant on rural hospitals – providing expertise in language translation for non-English speakers. Interpreting in diff languages and sign language – conforms with American disability act.  Garry is a  member of the National Association for Patient Advocacy.  Passionate about language – digital coding for rare languages is essential for shrinking numbers of native speakers to keep in touch online. Garry has another idea to create something better than twitter and Facebook.  Would like to work with Denise: NPR story of someone who wrote his own obituary inspired Garry.  What about if we got a website for people to write

their own obituaries, not for the dead, but for the living?  If they don't like, they can write a better one for themselves- by changing their focus

Jim Caldwell: May have expertise of value to Garry as worked with the Unicode system on Unicode standards.  UTF-8 fonts

Bill English: Co-founder of Unicode group, was person who got their 501(c)3.

Stewart Brand's book 'The Whole Earth Discipline' - a lot of stats in this 09 book we should be interested in

Mei Lin: Organizing 40th anniversary of TCP-IP on May 10th.  Will be plenty of Google people there – will send out invites. Would like Garry to come to meet them to talk about the fonts. Alice Woo from Global Innovation Summit wants to start a chapter of F4H – she is on the board of a University in China.  International Chapters – put on the agenda for May 1st, meeting at Mei Lin's.

Denise O’Brien: DOME consulting has been officially chosen as Chinese'American CEO Association as their official PR firm. Wells Bring that builds wells in West Africa.  Met and had dinner with 3 African Kings. 'Lessons from the Light' book is recommended

Jonathan Trent: A lot happening through internet connections, but also a great conversation with Jim Caldwell about opening up Chinese opportunities Joint Chinese American sustainability org.  Mutual acquaintance could be person on the ground in China to help build relationships (Guanxi) Also spoke with Stan Gould looking at possibility of moving this forward with student movement.  Has been trying to do that for a while - key is to get the right students and right organizations on board.  Not limited to US Universities – global!  Got Omega paper edited and will be published sometime.  Contacted people in South Africa. Will be speaking at  Edison Awards.

Sandy Bates: Edison Awards - April, 29th-30th.  Jonathan kicking off a discussion 'water is the next oil'  Another colleague leading  a panel on sustainability of water. Following day 'aging in place' with John Mattison of Kaiser on panel. Mei Lin will open her home on May 1st for SF Bay Area Franchise for Humanity Gathering. Continuing to work with Ricardo and Juliana from Brazil to get Design Echos USA franchise in the US. Mei Lin requests to have that posted on the F4H calendar. They will be doing workshops in SoCal and maybe Bay Area.

Kimberly Wiefling: Update on Ice cap. ICE911 - NASA planetary sustainability. Will use a new experimental tool called 'extra mile' to let ppl use their social network to spread the word. Allows posting up to once a week.

Kennan Salinero: Linda Stehali's work on Global Challenges for Wilson Center; also the AAAS panel for next winter in San Jose.

Stan Gould: Omega - introduced culture-change aspect in a movement-based format.  Jonathan Trent is  proposing this be a multi-disciplinary course project for students to pursue all aspects of Omega as a student lead project.

Michael Norwood: Spoke with Jack Park about SBIR grants. Very informative.  He said 'never apply for grant directly.' Contact the person that is the head of department, tell them you have a little bit different take on the direction they're taking, offer to send a white paper to them.  This technique as worked very well for me with investors - rarely asks for money, usually see if they're interested in what I’m doing. Raises money without going to VC’s and without going into competitions.  Show them who you are, what you have – who the people are – funders either naturally have an affinity for it or don't.

Denise:  Attract, don't attack.  As a writer, it's important to show yourself off.

We invite Denise for tips on how we can gracefully show off our skills.


Project Check In

Franchise for Humanity Protocols (4/8)

Protecting Trade Secrets in Public venues –you can talk ABOUT a secret without disclosing the secret. If it is a secret, don’t say it in a public form.

At beginning of ourNext Tuesdaycalls we want to remind everyone this is a public forum.

Its ok to “pass” on a question if asked to reveal confidential information – without any stigma

John Kelly supports Kimberly K in raising concern about awkwardness in not answering direct questions – as we want freedom to be be free wheeling and creative.

Proposal: Take public notes that can be edited, and address technical accuracy, as well as policy and ethics. Will prototype for 4/15Next TuesdayCall.


OMEGA (4/8)

Startup Framework for Omega Branding project

For the, Jonathanwill add information about the about potential OMEGA sites in many countries. Connecting with Bill English and Denise O’Brien about video on what energy might be like in 50 years, working with someone to pitch the idea to the possible funders. Jonathan is reaching out to students at UCSC about joining the Global Omega initiative to identify potential sites. Just got another paper accepted and sending back for review. In near term, hoping to put together more material to send to someone in Tonga in Ministry of Agriculture - will have interview with the King of Tonga.

Jim Caldwelloffering possibility in China.

Stan’s update 4/8 Jonathan was submitting a pre-proposal (concept paper ) $630K for a collaborative network of to work with Kevin Montgomery on where people worldwide can log on and collaborate on what they're doing. Basic concept is to grow from a brand through Knowledge mobilization to transition to a movement for global aggregation of advocates, without need for significant Omega resources. Answers two of Jonathan's five requests. Purpose of working with Jonathan now is to turn it into a paper form. Proposal is to use student base as place to go, plus existing environmental movement advocates and groups.

F4Hmembers: Stan Gould, Rob Stephenson, Jim Caldwell, Michael Norwood

Contact:Jonathan Trent

Film Festival for Youth(4/8)

Members: Amy Ng, Linda Staheli. Met week 1 April in DC: Marjéwas in Washington, had a meeting on youth film festival idea, 12 people gathered in my home: Lots of energy and discussion about something to unveil on MLK 's birthday: The idea is to give young people hope, and to build on MLK's dream. Short films, competition of short clips, pilot in DC. Meeting with folks in DC on infographics and marketing. See where it goes.

Contact:Linda Staheli and Marje

Public Universities and Social entrepreneurs (4/8)

Call April 1 afterF4Hcall, on Social Entrepreneurship and Public Universities

Seminal paper being written by Brian and Kennan.

Kimberly K has multiple (projects) on Universities and Social Entrepreneurship. One is in Sweden; pilot ends in October. Regional development model to address youth unemployment and engagement. WISE. Social entrepreneurship is more than job creation - it's community development as well.

Denise spoke about Brian's book Fiat Lux and opportunity to promote. Shared ideas and brain-stormed ~ projects on Public Service Contracts and article on this. Kennan will be talking with Grandpa Fred from Loyola Marymount (has been working in social entrepreneurship for decades).

Contact:Brian Donohue

China & Student Exchanges (4/8)

- Denise working on Education & China exchanges in Los Angeles: Counsel on contracts

-Jim Caldwell: Worked on this for 14 years. San Jose State has Engineering students team under the “Communiversity Model” - Terry Christensen

Jim would like to get together with Denise to discuss.In 1990, set up an institute for children's art of the environment, intention was to raise their and parent's awareness - melded into a children's mural project that is conducted yearly.

Linda Staheli hasa friend Shao-Lin. well connected in China & US: Energy, Sun-wind systems.

Kennan Salineropromises to introduce Ms. Song.

Michael Norwood offers help.

Contact: Denise O’Brien (4/8)

Kimberly Wiefling is business advisor to, founded by Dr. Leslie Field.

Denise met Leslie, a professor at Stanford - restoring Arctic Ice cap and have a project going on. See details at

Contact:Kimberly Wiefling 650 867 0847

Science Tech and Innovation Collaboratory in DC (4/8)

Working on paper for Woodrow Wilson Center on developing Global Collaboratory approach.

Researching with Tom Kalil, now at the White House, he started 'Big Ideas' at Berkeley which seed funds students at UC Berkeley to address big global challenges. Members: Kennan SalineroContact:Linda Staheli

Gamification (4/8)

Jai is working on a gamification component as a plug-in for F4H, with Kimberly Wiefling on this game system to incorporate principles. Would love to have a small group assess the content. Have a model to plug content into. What content and what level. X-Orb - can be downloaded on iPhone. Online system is at

Jim Caldwell’sstepson is doing a project with prisoners on a gamification program where they participate in global solutions.

Robertais very interested in this prisoner project.

Contact: Jai Hudes

-OMEGA will be a pioneering F4H project on the site. Stan Gould and Robert Stephenson are working on an update of FAQs for next Tuesday 4/8/14.

-Teaming Agreements is the second F4H project on the site. Kimberly Wiefling & Kimberly King. Seeking F4H Co-Creator Community’s comments.

-Change of Name – to or name is being re-used for different purpose. Please provide input before change. Last chance for input April 14.

Contact: Kennan Salinero (4/1)

Kimberly Wiefling scheduled tutorial with David -10AM Pacific time Wednesday April 2nd.

Tutorials w/David Price 3/5, 3/15, 3/22, 4/2.Let David know if you want a tutorial.

Contact:David Price:

Global Health and Humanitarian Summit – Dr. Neil Shulman (4/1)

Humanitarian, MD at Emory University, Dr. Shulmanwrote 'Doc Hollywood.' His idea is to have non-profits get together and spearheaded 3 Global Health and Humanitarian Summits (GHHS). Ann Bassarab had Emory students get together to write chapters about what the speakers talked about. Students first found out about speakers’ projects and successes, then interviewed them. This has huge potential because it brings together students and the nonprofits and doctors, a project that brings a lot of people together. Barbara Marx Hubbard spoke last year at the GHHS.

Denise is producing the July 2014 event honoring Dr Shulman.

Contact:AnnBassaraband Denise O’Brien

Grants (4/1)

Small Business Innovation Research Grants. Jack Park has won 3 of these. Issued in conjunction with different Fed Departments – generally:

Phase 1 6 months, $50k+, basically for writing the proposal for Phase 2

Phase 2 1+ years, $500k

Phase 3 – Build a market, make it a business $1M or so

Some bias to open source, and open research, since funding by tax payers

Contact:Jacqueline Chan

Global Service Jam (3/25)

Worldwide movement: People come together for 48 hours to work on a common problem.June 4,5,6 is Global Gov Jam. Innovations for the public sector. Hosted anywhere by anybody. Download tools to host a jam.F4H Meeting April 1 11 am, same F4H conf. call in #:712 775 7300access code 629 779#

Contact:Sandy Bates

California Health Corps (3/25)

Monthly meeting 4/17/14 at IBM San Jose 5-8 pm.


Members: Bill Daul, Kennan Salinero, Dan Desmond, Mei Lin Fung, Jacqueline Chan, Tammy Chan, Tim Berlyn, Cindy Mason

Contact:Bill Daul, Co-founder of CHC,

F4H Papers (4/15)

Linda Staheli (Wilson Center 3/25)

Sandy Bates (Edison Awards)

Sandy Bates and Mei Lin Fung (Stanford Social Innovation Review)

Contact: Sandy Bates

Network Capability Building (3/25)

Video and publications powerful vehicles. Spoke with Neil Shulman about Global Health and Humanitarian Summit 2013 when in Atlanta.

Contact:Kimberly King

Dyslexia Focus (3/25)

Members: David Price, Linda Staheli

Contact: Linda Staheli

Collaboration Tools (3/25)

Learn about different tools. www.Nautilus.orgis a multi-year effort on global collaborations – a fabulous set of tools, mapping & resources pulled together by Peter Hayes. Linda spoke with Dan Desmond about and will connect with Kevin Montgomery when he is in DC. Kimberly King met with multiple groups at the UN Conference on the Commission on Women about – bringing in networks Kevin Montgomery & she are in, to leverage the tools to catalyze to shift to next level

Contact:Linda Staheli

Corporate Kid (3/18)

Met with Bill Kent, CEO of TNT, because we believe media is a great way to get the message out to kids right now. You can look up Neil Shulman's book.

-BackSack project - piloting 100 CEOs with 100 kids. Doing a reality show, a documentary, ultimately leading to a film. Curriculum can be created at Stanford by Tom Kosnick.

-Charging CEOs $50,000. Will create a foundation to give shares to the kids.

-At ASVEN Conference Marje was invited to Singapore to bring this concept.

-Follow up meeting – Marje. Kennan and Mei Lin – week of April 1?

Contact:Marje’ Etheridge

Open Standards in health and health sciences (3/18)

Set up Charles Goldfarb conversation with John Mattison (3/14)

Members: Tim Berlyn, Kennan Salinero, Linda Staheli, Jim Caldwell (Unicode)

Contact:Mei Lin Fung

Mental Health (and Youth) (3/4)

Brie’s website www.lovetheskinyourein.netShe has spoken to 50,000 young women and interested youth based conferenceespecially centering on mental health issues



Final Word

Bill English - Would like to talk offline of Unicode – with Jim Caldwell and Garry Guan

Jim  Caldwell – I was the first editor of Unicode [book?].  Working with Chinese/US efficiency alliance, have a group coming to Texas. Will introduce them to organic energy conversation project in Houston.  Sometime this summer.

Garry Guan -   planning to go to Beijing/China June 5th-10th to Society of East Asian Archeology bi-annual mtg.

Mei Lin would like Garry while he is in Beijing to meet with a good friend, Baumin Lee, PhD who is the father of Customer Care in China,

Franchise for Humanity – Act for Impact
F4H - Projects
F4H Next Tuesday calls
Next Tuesday – April 2014
Next Tuesday – 2014 04 15
Next Tuesday – 2014 04 01
Next Tuesday – 2014 04 08
Next Tuesday – 2014 04 22
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