Spasmolytic agents can cause an Ophthalmic ADR

Argumentation and Debate - 52601
Lauren Carter
Music Debate
Lithium- Nirvana
People should not use prescription drugs unless they are truly needed.
Abuse of prescription drugs is becoming a growing problem.
A system to monitor prescriptions being filled is necessary.
A workable prescription monitoring system is improbable
A workable prescription monitoring system can be created from:
A concept identifying & driven Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Welford Chart Notes is an EMR which has a concept parser
Welford Chart Notes identifies concepts within the Clinical Note
Welford Chart Notes can be concept-driven
Clinical concepts alone and in combination are action oriented
A prescription drug is a concept that has meanings in terms of:
A presecription drug can cause an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)
Important Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR's)
Drug induced Opthalmic Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)
Spasmolytic agents can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Amiodarone can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Beta lactam antibiotics can cause an Opthalmic ADR
Biphosphonic acid derivatives can cause an Opthalmic ADR
Busulfan can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Carbamazepine can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Chloroquine can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Cortocosteroids can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Digoxin can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Examples of Ophthalmic ADRs
Ipratropium bromide can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Isotretinoin can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Lamotrigine can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Linezolid can cause an Opthalmic ADR
Macrolide antibiotic can cause an Opthalmic ADR
Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents can cause an Opthalmic ADR
Phenothiazine can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Practolol can cause an Opthalmic ADR
Risedronic acid can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Sulfonamide can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Tamoxifen can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Topiramate can cause an Ophthalmic ADR
Tricyclic antidepressant agents can cause an Opthalmic ADR
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