Prescription Drug - Psychological Side Effects

Argumentation and Debate - 52601
Lauren Carter
Music Debate
Lithium- Nirvana
People should not use prescription drugs unless they are truly needed.
Abuse of prescription drugs is becoming a growing problem.
A system to monitor prescriptions being filled is necessary.
A workable prescription monitoring system is improbable
A workable prescription monitoring system can be created from:
A concept identifying & driven Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Welford Chart Notes is an EMR which has a concept parser
Welford Chart Notes identifies concepts within the Clinical Note
Welford Chart Notes can be concept-driven
Clinical concepts alone and in combination are action oriented
A prescription drug is a concept that has meanings in terms of:
A prescription drug has side effects
Prescription Drug - Psychological Side Effects
Prescription Drug - Neuropsychiatric Side Effects
A prescription drug has contraindications to use
A prescription drug has warnings about use
Prescription drug - Liver injury side effects
Prescription drug - Lung disease side effects
Prescription drug - lupus like syndrome side effect
Prescription drug - Muscle injury side effects
Prescription drug - Polyneuropathy side effects
Prescription drug = Teratogenicity side effects
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